
第 1 期 11/03 Gartner Top Strategic Technology Trends for 2021

📡 行业资讯

【阿里】蚂蚁打新火热:数百亿港元杠杆资金“供不应求” 券商系统被挤崩







一位接近马蜂窝金融业务的从业者向新流财经透露,去年,马蜂窝月放款规模在1300-1500万元左右,在疫情的影响之下,今年的月放款量仅能达到年前的13%-15%左右。 按照去年月放款1500万元来计算,今年的月放款量大约仅有195万元-225万元左右,这相当于直接缩减了超80%的规模, 但通过“抱紧腾讯大腿”,继信用飞后,马蜂窝已与京东金融、分期乐等展开贷款和支付层面的密切合作。


上证报中国证券网讯(记者 韩宋辉)日前,腾讯理财通联合清华大学、腾讯金融科技智库及腾讯金融研究院共同发布《国人养老准备报告》(下称《报告》)称,为提前做好养老准备,超七成90后开始考虑养老问题,80后、70后的养老需求更加迫切。 腾讯金融科技副总裁张越表示,腾讯理财通一直在关注投资者教育,近期打造的“理智养老节”系列活动,通过上线养老基金组合、发布《国人养老准备报告》、大咖直播等一系列动作,帮助用户强化养老意识,提升养老投资水平。被驳回 英国路透社刚刚消息称,美国一上诉法院当地时间26日在一份裁定中驳回了美国司法部一项请求,即美司法部此前请求允许立即禁止苹果和谷歌在美应用商店提供微信下载服务。


梁建章:携程不会放弃全球化战略 国内旅游正迎来窗口期



索尼在嵌入式系统接口上采用 Flutter 技术

索尼工程师 Hidenori Matsubayashi 透露,该公司已将谷歌的 Flutter UI 系统和 Wayland 显示界面标准结合起来作为他们在嵌入式系统上开发用户接口的手段,理由是优良的速度、多平台功能和美观。他在欧洲嵌入式 Linux 大会(ELCE 2020)上谈到了他们对用于嵌入式用途的不同 GUI 工具包的评估,以及最终对 Flutter 和 Wayland 的评价。他们从网络、移动、台式机和嵌入式系统之间的依赖关系、开发环境、性能指标和兼容性等方面进行了研究,然后在评估了包括 GTK、Electron、Qt、Unreal Engine 和 Unity 等众多开源和商业选择之后做出了这一决定。他们表示需要尽可能轻量级的 GUI 工具箱,并且独立于硬件和架构。 ** Gartner 2021 关于行业趋势的报告 [https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/gartner-top-strategic-technology-trends-for-2021/](https://www.gartner.com/smarterwithgartner/gartner-top-strategic-technology-trends-for-2021/)

9 trends

Running Node.js on iOS and iPadOS via iSH 2020/10/24

The iOS/iPadOS app iSH is available on the app store and runs Linux via x86 emulation. And you can install Node.js on it!

Rust Hyper HTTP Library Will Contribute to Make Curl Safer 2020/10/25

Written in C, the popular curl and libcurl tools, which are installed in some six billion devices worldwide, are exposed to well-known security problems arising from the use of a non-memory safe language. A new initiative now aims to provide a memory-safe HTTP/HTTPS backend for curl based on Rust Hyper library.

7.2万Star人气开源项目惨遭封禁下架,GitHub CEO很闹心

上周五,美国唱片业协会(RIAA)要求 GitHub 下架 YouTube-dl 这一广受欢迎的下载器项目 repo,此举不仅令 GitHub CEO 感到难堪,同时也激怒了众多开发人员。目前,众多用户们快速行动,创建出大量新 repo 以保留这款工具的源代码。与此同时,GitHub CEO 也对此感到“厌烦”,有意为 repo 的重新上线伸出援手。 YouTube-dl 是一款颇具人气的工具,可以用它从 700 多个站点下载音视频,包括 Youtube、Facebook、B 站、爱奇艺、优酷以及 TikTok 等。除了简单视频下载功能外,YouTube-dl 还可以将下载内容转换为几乎任何格式,包括创建仅包含视频音轨的 mp3。记者群体也多使用它处理报道工作,包括下载新闻稿、转录视频与音频等等。 在下架之前,YouTube-dl 的 repo 已经成为 GitHub 上最受欢迎的项目之一,拥有 7.2 万星,人气介于 Node.js 及 Kubernetes 之间。由于 YouTube-dl 是一个相当知名且功能强大的工具,因此可能有许多其他工具依赖它来实现与流媒体相关的功能。

How to Ensure the Success of DevOps in Your Organization 2020/10/27

In this article, you will learn about the business value DevOps provides. We explain the five most important KPIs which help you measure the success of DevOps in your organization.

Low-code vs model-driven: are they the same? 2020/10/18 2016 年起,low-code 一词大热,多个 LCAP(low-code application platforms) 平台出现。本文作者分析了 low-code 与 model-driven 的区别。


It may not be long before we start chanting: Low-code is dead, long live mxdp(multi-experience development).

开源富文本编辑器技术的演进 2020/10/24

CKEditor 1-4(2008) UEditor (2012) Quill.js(2012) CKEditor 5(2014) Prosemirror(2015) Draft.js(2015) Slate(2016)

万余首钢琴作品、一千多个小时,字节跳动发布全球最大钢琴MIDI数据集 2020/10/27

近期,字节跳动发布全球最大的古典钢琴数据集 GiantMIDI-Piano,包括来自 2,784 位作曲家 10,854 首作品的 MIDI 文件,总时长为 1,237 小时。研究者为完成该数据集的构建,开发并开源了一套高精度钢琴转谱系统。

### 🚀 技术进展 2020/10/30


美团打车业务很早就在美团App与点评App中提供了服务入口,并在技术上采用了H5与Native的混合开发技术。随着业务上线,有用户反馈我们的地图性能有一些问题,原因是我们打车地图使用的是Web版的地图(通过腾讯地图JavaScript API),业内同类产品使用的是Native版的地图SDK,Native地图相比Web地图具有天然的性能优势,所以美团打车地图从首屏地图加载到后续的地图操作体验都有一定差距。 本文将WebView与Native地图组件叠加到一起,实现了用户手势事件智能分发的机制,解决了WebView与Native地图在同一页面内布局困难的问题。这种融合机制为打车业务提升迭代效率同时保障地图体验提供了一种有效的途径,日常业务功能上线采用H5技术迭代,Native地图作为不常更新的基础能力首次发版时安装到用户手机上,实现业务需求随时发版的能力,不再受各大应用商店的限制,用户操作地图的体验也更加流畅。

React v17 2020/10/20

No New Features Gradual Upgrades Changes to Event Delegation New JSX Transform

Node.js v15 Npm v7 2020/10/20

We’re excited to announce that Node.js 15 was released today. Node.js 15 replaces Node.js 14 as our ‘current’ release line, with Node.js 14 being promoted to LTS (long-term support) later this month. You can expect new releases of Node.js 15 approximately every two-weeks, keeping you up-to-date with the latest features and changes. As an odd-numbered release line, Node.js 15 will not be promoted to LTS. Please bear this in mind when using Node.js 15 in production deployments — we generally recommend the use of an LTS release line for your production deployments.

V8 v8.7 2020/10/23

Every six weeks, we create a new branch of V8 as part of our release process. Each version is branched from V8’s Git master immediately before a Chrome Beta milestone. Today we’re pleased to announce our newest branch, V8 version 8.7, which is in beta until its release in coordination with Chrome 87 Stable in several weeks. V8 v8.7 is filled with all sorts of developer-facing goodies. This post provides a preview of some of the highlights in anticipation of the release.

Introducing the 1st design-to-development platform 2020/10/27

After months of hard work, we’re proud to introduce Anima 4.0! The first design-to-development platform. In a nutshell, Anima has evolved into an end-to-end solution that transforms the design-development handoff into a continuous and integrated process. This means less grunt work, minimal iterations, less pixel-pushing, and more time to be creative. For the first time, developers can cherry-pick design elements and get runnable React code!


[Meet Face ID and Touch ID for the Web](https://webkit.org/blog/11312/meet-face-id-and-touch-id-for-the-web/) 2020/10/19

People often see passwords are the original sin of authentication on the web. Passwords can be easy to guess and vulnerable to breaches. Frequent reuse of the same password across the web makes breaches even more profitable. As passwords are made stronger and unique, they can quickly become unusable for many users. Passwords indeed look notorious, but are passwords themselves the problem, or is it their use as a sole factor for authentication? Face ID and Touch ID for the web provides both the security guarantees of multi-factor authentication and ease of use. It offers multi-factor authentication in a single step. Using this technology, available on over a billion capable Apple devices, web developers can now broadly offer traditional multi-factor authentication with a smooth, convenient experience. And being built on top of the Web Authentication API makes Face ID and Touch ID phishing resistant as well.

If not SPAs, What? 2020/10/28

A few months ago, I wrote an article about how the SPA pattern has failed to simplify web development. The SPA pattern (Single-Page Apps), I tried to define, was about the React model, which also covers, to a large extent, the model of Vue, Angular, and other frontend frameworks. Like any critique, it begs for a prescription and I didn’t give one, other than gesturing toward server-side frameworks like Rails and Django. But I think there are some trends starting to form. I had queued up some time to > really dive into the frameworks, but things like > walking in parks have taken priority, so here’s just a grand tour.

Micro Frontends Pattern Comparison 2020/10/29

Comparing build-time integration, server-side integration, run-time integration via iframes, and run-time integration via script. The desire to modularize the frontend has steadily increased in the last year. One of the challenges for everyone implementing microfrontends is that there is no single pattern to follow. The available architecture patterns are quite different and come with their advantages and challenges. Usually, each pattern has a distinct area of use even though hybrids and complex mixtures of the available patterns can be used to blur these boundaries as desired. In this article, I want to go briefly over four of the most common microfrontend patterns to understand their main pros and cons.

细说iOS Safari下focus的行为 2020/10/26

iOS Safari浏览器下的focus行为和其他浏览器都一些明显不一致的地方,有时候会给开发带来困扰,这里就说说相关的细节知识,均源自于自己日常开发遇到的问题。

Creating CSS Shapes with Emoji 2020/10/23

CSS Shapes is a standard that lets us create geometric shapes over floated elements that cause the inline contents — usually text — around those elements to wrap along the specified shapes. Such a shaped flow of text looks good in editorial designs or designs that work with text-heavy contents to add some visual relief from the chunks of text.

Introducing Framer Motion 2020/10/26

Animations, when done right, are powerful. However, creating eye-catching animations with CSS can be tricky. In comes Framer Motion. With Framer Motion, you don’t need to be a CSS expert to make beautiful animations. Framer Motion provides us with production-ready animations and a low-level API we can interact with to integrate these animations into our applications.


What is responsive design: an introduction 2020/10/23

What is responsive design and why is it so important? What does it look like? Read on to get close and personal with a star in the UX game. responsive design is a huge thing in the UX design game nowadays. Everyone in the business knows that having a truly responsive design means good usability. It’s non-negotiable. But what does “responsive” even mean? What separates responsive designs from the non-responsive ones out there? Why is it so important now? Let’s take a moment to dive deep into a familiar name that can often be misunderstood.

A guide to the Responsive Design paradigm 2020/10/29

Responsive web design is not just about adjustable screen resolutions an automatically resizing images. All benefits need to be skilfully taken advantage of and all limitations have to be worked around. And this is where we dip our toes into the vast expanse that is responsive design. It is a whole new generation way of thinking. Most articles on the internet will tell you that the idea of responsive design came around in the years 2012–2013. However, this concept was born at least around 1991. So what is responsive design?

  1. Adjusting screen resolutions
  2. Accommodating touchscreens and cursors
  3. Flexible everything!
  4. Hiding content when possible

Bridging design and code with Variants 2020/10/28

Today, we’re excited to introduce Variants, which lets you combine variations of the same component—simplifying the asset panel and mapping components more closely to code. This feature, along with changes to the Inspect panel and updates to Auto Layout (rolling out in November!), will enable designers and developers to work more efficiently together. Below, we dive into how we built Variants, including the crucial pieces of feedback our users gave us along the way. We believe that a design tool should embrace concepts from both design and code. But every product team will balance these competing considerations differently. While development is about finalizing and scaling a solution through rigor and reusability, design needs uninhibited freedom to iterate on the most promising ideas. The more freedom ideas can have, the more innovative the design solution can be. At Figma, our job is to give you the tools—however way you and your teams work—to design and develop effectively.


我希望我从未学过编程 2020/10/28

自从我开始学习编程以来,就再也不能像以前那样轻松地浏览网页了。我无法再平静地接受在各种网站上遇到的各种 bug。每当有奇怪的事情发生时,我的好奇心就上了头,然后就会打开浏览器开发工具开始调试网页。


20 Tips For Becoming A Better Software Developer in 2021

Welcome to the vast ecosystem of the web! Great choice, but how will you become an awesome dev who loves taking challenges, can implement what needed by the client, or just knows how to debug and solve web-related problems? The following content which you’re about to read will tell you all you need to know to get things done, professionally. Here’s how you can become a kickass web dev this year

How to Make your First Contribution to Open Source 2020/10/22

This guide will introduce you to the open-source world and help you make your first contribution

圣司:我的前端成长之路,内观自在,外观世音,追寻内心平静 2020/10/28

大家好,我是张舒迪,花名圣司(取自吉卜力的动画《侧耳倾听》),2014年校招应届进入阿里巴巴担任前端开发,目前在飞猪技术部负责「用户前端和数字化经营平台团队」。 回头看在阿里一路的成长,校招毕业 4 年时间从 P5 到 P8,除了足够努力这个必要非充分条件外,我自知是无比的幸运,感恩这个时代,以及所处的行业与平台带来的巨大红利,感恩家人/朋友/导师/伙伴的支持。


御术:比能力更重要的是你的底层操作系统 2020/09/04

我是御术,10年北邮毕业参加工作至今,刚好10年。 10年研三创业失败,错过了所有校招离被学校赶出校门还有两周匆匆忙忙开始找工作,相比连自学带实践只有半年的前端开发经验,自信当年还是C++更熟练些,但为什么最终会选择做前端? 在百度 5 年 T3 到 T7,从前端菜鸟到凤巢业务系统的前端负责人,写了 ECharts; 再次创业,而接下来的是从商业计划、融资、画图、写代码到买菜、发传单、送外卖都做过的创业历程,很苦也很精彩,虽然因为基本没给自己发工资,没给家里拿回去一分钱甚至还花了不少积蓄,多少有点愧疚家人; 现在在蚂蚁体验技术部。

