
第 3 期 11/16 What’s next for the Contract for the Web

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What’s next for the Contract for the Web

A year ago, Sir Tim Berners-Lee launched the Contract for the Web — the first ever global plan to make our online world safe and empowering for everyone.

Tips: Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989.

State of remote work 2020

How employees across the US feel about working remotely in a post- COVID-19 world, their new workplace expectations and what employers need to know to recruit and retain top talent.

14 Top mobile app development trends in 2020

2020 is expected to become the year of mobile apps. This year, advanced technologies became available for most of the Earth population, and the number of Internet-connected gadgets became much bigger than the number of their users.


11月1日至11日0点30分,2020年天猫双11全球狂欢季实时成交额突破3723亿;京东方面,官方数据显示,2020年11月1日00:00至11月11日00:09,京东11.11全球热爱季累计下单金额已经突破2000亿元。 淘宝直播数据显示,商家自播GMV占比超六成,直播商家覆盖数增长220%,淘宝直播带动就业机会超400万个。 阿里巴巴数据显示,自2020年天猫双11开幕(11月1日)至现在,旅游(产品)目的地成交额增幅Top5为:第1名上海,第2名浙江,第3名北京,第4名江苏,第5名广东。

饿了么CEO王磊:双11是商家爆发开端 双12将深耕会员



11 月 12 日晚,拼多多发布了 2020 年第三季度财报。 除了营收之外,对比拼多多和阿里巴巴的同期财报可以发现,按这个增长趋势,到 12 月底,用拼多多买东西的人数会超过淘宝系。







Discover 2020 DevOps trends with CircleCI data report

Announcing the second annual data-driven CI report: shedding light on 2020 DevOps trends



This document contains a set of design principles to be used when designing Web Platform technologies. These principles have been collected during the Technical Architecture Group’s discussions in reviewing developing specifications. We encourage specification designers to read this document and use it as a resource when making design decisions.

Hands-Free Coding


How I develop software using dictation and eye-tracking

FE and software

飞猪营销域SSR总结 - 双十一会场再加速

Serverless Faas和React/Rax SSR的结合实现页面的同步渲染成为我们的一个探索方向,Node Faas SSR同构实现一套代码两端运行解决复用的问题,Serverless的低运维,弹性伸缩解决SSR对机器Cpu消耗高的难题,所以今年9月开始我们在调研之后,选择对接淘系提供的比较成熟的营销域SSR方案在飞猪双十一会场落地实践。 在目前前端技术体系下,客户端预渲染、Weex、Flutter都难以成为解决多端秒出的方案,通过拥抱原生html渲染技术配合Faas SSR面向未来网络条件布局是前端页面性能往前再走一步的尝试突破,而这也是在Serverless概念热火朝天的当下云+端的最佳实践之一,从试点到通用再到普惠,刚刚走出第一步,前路漫漫仍需努力。

基于 WebAssembly 的前端视频播放技术演进

Improving JavaScript performance with GPU.js

GPU.js is a JavaScript acceleration library built for the web and Node.js for general-purpose programming on graphical processing units (GPGPU). It allows you to hand over complex and time-consuming computations to GPUs rather than CPUs for faster computations and operations.

Warp: Improved JS performance in Firefox 83

We have enabled Warp, a significant update to SpiderMonkey, by default in Firefox 83. SpiderMonkey is the JavaScript engine used in the Firefox web browser. With Warp (also called WarpBuilder) we’re making big changes to our JIT (just-in-time) compilers, resulting in improved responsiveness, faster page loads and better memory usage. The new architecture is also more maintainable and unlocks additional SpiderMonkey improvements.

Separation of concerns with custom React hooks

Among some of the more technical reasons behind people disliking React is, surprisingly, one of its biggest features as well - JSX. An extension to standard JavaScript that allows you to use HTML-like syntax in your React components. How such a recognizable part of React, one that clearly stands to improve readability, and ease-of-writing one’s code can be turned into a con? Well, it all comes down to the separation of concerns.

What’s New In Vue 3?

Vue 3 comes with a lot of interesting new features and changes to some of the existing ones that are aimed at making development with the framework a lot easier and maintainable. In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of these new features and how to get started with them. We’re also going be taking a look at some of the changes done to the existing features.

Top 5 React state management libraries in late 2020

I have 5 options for you, in no particular order. Some of them you almost certainly know, while others might surprise you. As always, I’ll give you a brief description, and if it catches your eye, then be sure to check out the linked docs.

LibSass is Deprecated

After much discussion among the Sass core team, we’ve come to the conclusion that **it’s time to officially declare that LibSass and the packages built on top of it, including Node Sass, are deprecated. **For several years now, it’s been clear that there’s simply not enough engineering bandwidth behind LibSass to keep it up-to-date with the latest developments in the Sass language (for example, the most recent new language feature was added in November 2018). As much as we’ve hoped to see this pattern turn around, even the excellent work of long-time LibSass contributors Michael Mifsud and Marcel Greter couldn’t keep up with the fast pace of language development in both CSS and Sass.

How Web Apps Work: Browsers, HTML, and CSS

Web development is a huge field with a vast array of concepts, terms, tools, and technologies. For people just getting started in web dev, this landscape is often bewildering - it’s unclear what most of these pieces are, much less how they fit together. This series provides an overview of fundamental web dev concepts and technologies, what these pieces are, why they’re needed, and how they relate to each other. It’s not a completely exhaustive reference to everything in web development, nor is it a “how to build apps” guide. Instead, it’s a map of the territory, intended to give you a sense of what the landscape looks like, and enough information that you can go research these terms and topics in more depth if needed.

Why you should adopt React Hooks instead of classes

This post is an overview of React Hooks and reasons why you should use them in functional components instead of class components. 


Bootstrap 5 Alpha 3


Version 11 of Angular Now Available

Version 11.0.0 is here and we’ve got some great updates for Angular developers everywhere. This release has updates across the platform including the framework, the CLI and components.




The Google Homepage UI Story

28 Creative 404 pages for your Inspiration

Landing on a default, un-styled ‘page not found’ with no further info and links can be really annoying. A creative and clever error page goes a long way in turning your visitor’s frown into a smile.

Why empty states should never be neglected

Empty states are a way to improve your product’s user experience, from onboarding to encouraging users to interact with your app. **


科技爱好者周刊(第 133 期):贵州变瑞士,有没有可能?