
第 4 期 11/23 4982亿背后的前端技术—2020天猫双11前端体系大揭秘

image.png Source: Programmer Humor
















LG化学将向特斯拉Model Y上海项目供应电池

据业内人士透露,韩国锂电池巨头LG化学近日与特斯拉(Tesla)签订合同,为特斯拉上海工厂生产的Model Y车型供应电池。



Airbnb IPO

This is an initial public offering of shares of Class A common stock of Airbnb, Inc.


Google Developer Summit China 2020

5 Ways to Improve User Experience with Machine Learning

Machine learning has matured over the years, allowing us to gain more insights from the data we collect. We can even implement machine learning to transform the job of a UX designer, product designer, and interaction designer. This article introduces five different strategies on how we can leverage machine learning to improve user experience.

New WebKit Features in Safari 14

With the release of Safari 14 for macOS Big Sur, iPadOS 14, iOS 14, and watchOS 7, WebKit brings significant improvements to performance and privacy along with a host of new features for web developers. Take a look at all of the improvements WebKit is adding with the release of Safari 14.

Typical Designer–to–Developer and Researcher–to–Designer Ratios

In 2020, the most typical researcher–to–designer–to–developer ratio reported was 1:5:50. Beware, however, of using role ratios alone to measure teams’ maturity or impact.


基于经典的可视化和模型驱动理念,结合最新的云原生与多端体验技术,低代码能够在合适的业务场景下实现大幅度的提效降本,为专业开发者提供了一种全新的高生产力开发范式(Paradigm Shift)。另一方面,低代码还能让不懂代码的业务人员成为所谓的平民开发者(Citizen Developer),弥补日益扩大的专业人才缺口,同时促成业务与技术深度协作的终极敏捷形态(BizDevOps)。本文将重点介绍低代码相关背景知识,包括低代码的定义与意义、相关概念、行业发展等,期望能帮助大家更好地认识与理解低代码这个新兴领域。

FE and software

CSS Background Patterns

Beautiful pure CSS background patterns that you can actually use in your projects!

Async/await is awesome, but don’t abandon Promises

A Complete Guide To props.children In React

Mastering props.children is essential to becoming a great React developer and beginning to harness the full potential of the React component model. props.children is one of React’s most useful features, since it gives us the ability to render child components. Because of this, every developer should know how to use it properly.

React and Unidirectional Data Flow. Understand this and your life will be a lot easier as a React developer.

Unidirectional data flow is a core concept in React, and understanding it is key in order to create working React applications. Unidirectional data flow is the essence of React. I recommend that you make sure you follow this closely and really understand Unidirectional Data Flow. This way when you code your React applications, you will be much more confident in getting them working flawlessly.

How to Build Desktop Applications using Electron the Right Way

If you are like me, you love JavaScript and its ecosystem, and you have been building amazing web applications using frameworks like React or performant web servers with NodeJS . Now you want to develop a desktop application, and you don’t want to learn a new programming language, or perhaps you want to re-use as much as you can from existing web projects. Here is when Electron enters the picture to save the day.

Thinking Outside the Box with CSS Grid

The support of CSS Grid in modern browsers has opened up layout possibilities like never before. We can create more complex designs with fewer elements than we could with Flexbox alone. But when you think of CSS Grid, you generally think of a boxy layout, right?

What is DevOps? Unpacking the rise of an IT cultural revolution

DevOps seeks to accomplish smooth and efficient software creation, delivery, monitoring, and improvement by prioritizing agility and adaptability over rigid, stage-by-stage development. A quick search reveals that the term has taken off since surfacing in the 2000s, returning over 87 million results at the time of writing — but what exactly does it mean? How do organizations implement this approach to software development, and what capabilities do they need to make this shift a success?

Good Architecture: Data Model vs. Data Flow

Most architectural mistakes I’ve seen in software stem from a mistake either in the domain model or the data flow. Understanding what each of those two things is, how to do them both well, and how to balance the tensions between them is an essential skill every developer should invest in.

10 Things I Wish I’d Learned Sooner After Being a Developer for 10 Years


AI and machine learning technologies in design with Benjamin Hersh

3 Steps for Getting Started with DesignOps

DesignOps — Design Operations, or the orchestration and optimization of people, process, and craft in order to amplify design’s value and impact at scale — aims to establish processes and measures that support scalable solutions for common design-team challenges.

Fail to plan = Plan to fail

In this article, I’ll explain my current product creation process, formulated during my experience as a Product Designer in a startup environment. It’s not meant to be the ultimate solution, but rather to be used as an example from which you can inspire yourself. The goal after all is to create a product that delights users, the process is only there to structure the path towards that goal. However from my experience, and especially so in startup environments, always be ready to change plans.

Five Reasons for why Dark Mode Matters

Today, mobile devices take up a large percentage of the amount of time that people spend staring at screens; this is why there is a need for applications to have a dark mode option for its users. According to Wikipedia, dark mode is a color scheme that uses light-colored text, icons, and graphical user interface elements on a dark background and is often discussed in terms of computer user interface design and web design.


Firefox 83 is upon us

New in Chrome 87

Sketch 70 🤩 — See What’s New!



史上最快破5亿用户的互动 - 2020双11养猫技术大揭秘




阿里跨端技术 - 缘起与未来




Node.js Serverless 助力业务研发提效 38.89%,并保障双11大流量下稳定可靠

ESR 在首屏性能优化上的尝试与突破

双十一会场体验 SSR 优化 - 走向更复杂的渲染架构


双11主会场性能体验提升 - 秒开优化


科技爱好者周刊(第 134 期):未来的游戏业比现在大100倍
