Source: Programmer Humor
会上,高德地图宣布启动“好的出租”计划,助力巡游出租汽车数字化升级,计划一年内完成100万辆出租车巡网融合改造,帮助300家出租车企业数字化升级,帮助驾驶员收入增长30%,让出租车空驶率降低20%。 “高德地图承诺不下场做网约车运力,既不做裁判员,更不做运动员,一心做好帮助大家巡网融合数字化升级的服务员。”
The future of web development on Apple Silicon
苹果 M1 版 MacBook Pro 评测:性能离谱,居然还能拿来扫支付宝?
DevOps这一优秀的软件交付理念在服务端已经有很多相关的实践,那么是否也可以应用到移动端进行交付呢?基于移动端和服务端场景的差异,移动DevOps跟服务端DevOps又有哪些不同和挑战?本文分享阿里云云原生应用研发平台EMAS在建设云原生Mobile DevOps过程中的思考、遇到的挑战以及解法,解密其设计架构和技术细节。
Flash Animations Live Forever at the Internet Archive
Great news for everyone concerned about the Flash end of life planned for end of 2020: The Internet Archive is now emulating Flash animations, games and toys in our software collection.
The State Of Progressive Web Apps in 2020
Learn more about “why” and “how” to build Progressive Web Apps As defined by Google Developers, Progressive Web Apps use modern web capabilities to deliver an app-like user experience. They evolve from pages in browser tabs to immersive, top-level apps, maintaining the web’s low friction at every moment.
Deep Dive into Page Lifecycle API
Web pages shouldn’t consume excessive resources while the user is not actively engaging. Besides your applications should also aware of the management tasks performed by the system. The Page Lifecycle API introduces a simple way to make your application aware of these events.
Disable mouse acceleration to provide a better FPS gaming experience
Web apps can now disable mouse acceleration when capturing pointer events.
In-browser transcoding of video files with FFmpeg and WebAssembly
The WebAssembly build of FFmpeg allows you to run this powerful video processing tool directly within the browser. In this blog post I explore FFmpeg.wasm and create a simple client-side transcoder that streams data into a video element, with a bit of RxJS thrown in for good measure.
Three Things You Didn’t Know About AVIF
No doubt, AVIF images generate a smaller payload and are nice looking. The key takeaway from this article is that AVIF is hardly the “silver bullet,” or the one image format to rule them all.
What, Why, and How of Typescript for JavaScript Developers
If you are a Javascript developer, you must have heard about Typescript at one point or another. If you have been reluctant about giving Typescript a try because you are not sure how it could serve you better than Javascript, you have come to the right place.
There are easy ways to configure TypeScript to ensure faster compilations and editing experiences. The earlier that these practices can be adopted, the better.
10 Key Mobile Usability Issues
10 critical usability issues and practical recommendations on to avoid when working on your mobile design
If you’re new to design, you may be wondering what is the difference between graphic design and web design? Are they the same or do they require completely different skill sets? Which should you pursue and which offers more opportunities as a freelance designer?
Calculate the real cost to run your JS app or lib to keep good performance. Show error in pull request if the cost exceeds the limit.
Write Lua with TypeScript
vue GUI generator
The super fast color schemes generator!
河图, 是一个 低代码
平台, 通过可视化界面, 快速生成各种后台页面, 极大减少开发成本。
河图是贝壳找房内部孵化项目, 目前已在公司大多数业务线落地, 完成200+项目, 1500+页面。
xlayers: Generate code from your design
xLayers is a community-driven effort to bridge the gap between designers, who implement the UI sketch and developers who implement the code from these design sketches. Put simply, xLayers is a code generation tool for your design sketches: use xLayers to instantly scaffold your components out of your design.
易用的跨组件体系的表单渲染引擎 - 通过 JSON Schema 快速生成自定义表单配置界面
A Markdown Editor for the 21st century.