
第 6 期 12/07 Goodbye to Flash, we’ll see you in Rust

tumblr_ab529f0b2be580852f4c0a4a7bc8a534_66d6be6a_1280.jpg Source: Programmer Humor









12月1日,手机淘宝和支付宝在湖北地区上线“淘宝买菜”业务,采用社区团购模式。阿里还同时领投了十荟团新一轮融资。京东也传出了新动作。同在 11 月 30 日,刘强东在高管早会上提出会亲自下场带队,将带领京东打好社区团购一仗。目前,京东已经集中整合了其社区团购业务友家铺子、蛐蛐购和京东区区购,在京东大商超全渠道事业群下专门设置了社区团购业务部。





[虾米音乐真的要消亡了吗? 知料](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/QB8vBEMg5IN0FUFlAyZt0A)



人工智能(AI)被认为是下一代技术浪潮,借着这股东风,AI公司们在过去几年里成为创投领域最炙手可热的明星。 但这个故事已经讲不动了:一些投资机构对AI已经“投怕了”;科技巨头与产业巨头们步步紧逼,都将AI当做重要发展战略;上市艰难,即使有了科创板,真正意义上的“AI第一股”还没出现。




[CIKM 2020 一文详解美团6篇精选论文](https://tech.meituan.com/2020/12/03/cikm-2020-nlp.html)

美团AI平台/搜索与NLP部/NLP中心/知识图谱组共有六篇论文(其中4篇长文,2篇短文)被国际会议CIKM 2020接收,这些论文是知识图谱组与XX大学、XX大学、XX大学的科研合作成果,是在多模态知识图谱、MT-BERT、Graph Embedding和图谱可解释性等方向上的技术沉淀和应用。

ECMAScript 双月报告:TC39 11月会议提案进度汇总

这次 TC39 会议是 2020 年度最后一次全员会议。这次会议中没有任何提案争取到从 Stage 2 进入 Stage 3 的共识,也没有提案从 Stage 3 进入 Stage 4。

7 ideas that influenced the evolution of web design

There’s plenty of significant events worth mentioning in the evolution of web design, these are just 7 that made huge shifts. By looking back at these major events, we can better understand where trends and ideas come from. Every day, new trends and technology are invented. When we understand where we come from, we can better steer the future of technology and design.

Chrome to remove HTTP/2 Push

Chromium developers have announced that they plan to remove support for HTTP/2 server push from the market-leading browser engine.


Let’s look at both HEIF and AVIF formats through the lens of these objectives.

Podcast 292: Goodbye to Flash, we’ll see you in Rust

We say a fond farewell to a titan of web tech and review what makes a great developer resume. As previously announced in July 2017, Adobe will stop supporting Flash Player after December 31, 2020 (“EOL Date”). Ruffle is a Flash Player emulator written in Rust. Ruffle runs natively on all modern operating systems as a standalone application, and on all modern browsers through the use of WebAssembly. 

FE and software


如何看待人工智能在前端领域的未来发展方向,如何推进智能化能力在智能生成代码平台 imgcook 上的应用落地和迭代升级助力今年双 11 会场 90.4% 新模块的代码智能生成,编码效率提升 68% 的。




Native CSS Masonry Layout In CSS Grid

You can already test a partial implementation in Firefox Nightly by enabling layout.css.grid-template-masonry-value.enabled.


React Redux Deep Dive: State Management in React with Redux

In this article we are going to see how you could get started with Redux and use it to easily manage state in your React apps.

Debugging React applications with the React Profiler API and the Profiler DevTool

There are several tools to measure performance optimization in React. But in this post, our focus is on the React profiler DevTool and the React Profiler API.


Best Static Site Generators for Vue.js

When it comes to static site generators, React was the number 1 choice and dominated the space. However, Vue.js was able to change that situation with those fantastic frameworks we discussed above. Besides, some of them have been a real threat to React-based frameworks.

How the virtual DOM works in Vue.js

This post has been an overview of how the virtual DOM works in Vue.js, with a few illustrations to follow and how to mount one.


尝试使用JS IntersectionObserver让标题和导航联动

web领域有很多的Observer,俗称观察器,就是可以实时反馈网页的某些交互变化。这里要介绍的Intersection Observer是观察元素和窗体相交的状态,非常适合用在与滚动相关的交互事件中。例如图片的懒加载效果,或者是无限滚动加载效果等。

Aspect-Oriented Programming in JavaScript

We all know about Object-Oriented Programming and Functional Programming, but have you heard about Aspect-Oriented Programming before?

Understanding typescript generics by example

Typescript generics are a built in language feature using the same principles of generics in other languages like C#Java, etc.

How to Learn JavaScript Promises and Async/Await in 20 Minutes

When working with asynchronous operations in JavaScript, we often hear the term Promise. But it can be tricky to understand how they work and how to use them.


Your Front End Code Needs To Be Unit Tested

Front End testing can be done in multiple ways, like unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and acceptance testing. Today, we are going to explore the importance of unit testing and the tips to test our frontend code.


The Validate Subsequence Algorithm: A Deep Dive

The truth is algorithm is just a fancy word for procedure. In other words it’s just a list of a series of steps a computer follows to perform a task.





干货 | 携程机票 Android Jetpack 与 Kotlin Coroutines 实践

自 2017年 Google IO 大会以来,经过三年的发展,Kotlin 已成为 Android 平台无争议的首选开发语言。但是相比语言本身,Kotlin 1.2 版本后进入 stable 状态的协程(coroutines)的行业采用率仍然较低。 Google Android 团队同时也在大力推广 Jetpack 组件库,其中 AAC 架构组件带来了全新的应用架构实现方式,可以更便捷的实现 MVVM 这一非常适用于复杂业务场景的设计模式。


Top UI/UX Design Works for Inspiration 

2021 Design Wishlist from a User’s Perspective

Practical Tips for Creating Smooth Website Navigation Experience

Navigation is one of the most critical aspects of product design. People rely on navigation to find content and features. Helping users navigate should be a top priority for every app or website. After all, no matter how much time you invest in crafting good content and features, all this work will be useless if the visitor won’t be able to find them.

Understanding the potential of wireframes

Wireframes are skeletons for a would-be design, for a website or a mobile app.We won’t talk about what wireframes are, or how to use them — but ways to use wireframes to your advantage.




Qt Creator 4.14 RC released

Chrome 88: Digital Goods, Lighting Estimation in Augmented Reality, and More

Chrome 88 is beta as of December 3, 2020.


Software release life cycle

ECMAScript - Introducing All Stages of the TC39 Process

Explaining the process that’s responsible for evolving the ECMAScript specification - from an idea to a fully specified feature, which is eventually delivered with the next edition.

Lesser-known JavaScript open-source projects of 2020

Today, we’ll go through 6 of some of the lesser-known (but known to me) open-source JavaScript projects of 2020. Now, it’s not like they have too few GitHub stars or something. It’s that they get far less attention in the web dev community than they deserve, in my opinion.

How to be a CI/CD Engineer

I’ve laid out an updated take on the CI/CD Engineer role, and I’ve added some fresh perspectives. In this update, I shared some of the new ideas and concepts I believe could be valuable elements to this role. These ideas were focused on security/DevSecOps, pipeline optimizations, and performance benchmarks, all of which are very impactful concepts to critical software delivery practices.


科技爱好者周刊(第 136 期):利特伍德奇迹定律
