
第 7 期 12/14 Machine Learning as a Service: Platform Top Providers

tumblr_7a8b85b709cf5638c420907123eecf6a_1e417733_1280.jpg Source: Programmer Humor








CentOS 8 已是绝版?还有后续么?

CentOS 官方发文称 CentOS Stream 才是 CentOS 项目的未来,在接下来的一年里,将逐步把开发工作的重心从 CentOS Linux 往 CentOS Stream 转移。



端智能逐渐成为驱动移动 App 业务创新的核⼼推动⼒之⼀

Continuing our journey to bring instant experiences to the whole web

Speed has always been a core tenet of Chrome. Building on some of our previous work in this space, we have a new proposal that aims at speeding up navigations by downloading resources ahead of time, i.e. prefetching.

👍 Machine Learning as a Service: Platform Top Providers

Machine learning as a service is a generic term for a variety of interrelated services delivered in the form of online platforms. MLaaS + Cloud Storage + Cloud Computing Capacity + Cloud Services Management = Competitive Edge

👍 10 Engineering Challenges Due to the Nature of Mobile Applications

This series of articles collects challenges engineers face when building native iOS and Android apps at scale.

State of CSS 2020

We are here to present the data, highlight the trends, and hopefully guide you through another eventful year of CSS!


Why Vim Uses hjkl; Why JavaScript months start from 0;

An update on MDN Web Docs’ localization strategy

In this post, we’ll look at one aspect in more detail — how we are handling localization going forward.

No Code Workflow Orchestrator for Building Batch & Streaming Pipelines at Scale

The need for a simpler, unified, and intuitive user experience for building data workflows was the main impetus behind uWorc, Unified Workflow Orchestrator.  

GitHub Actions to securely publish npm packages

GitHub Actions are growing in popularity ever since GitHub announced general availability for all developers and repositories on the GitHub platform. In this article, I’d like to show you how I’m using GitHub Actions to publish npm packages that I maintain in my open source projects.

FE and software


12 Alternatives To React, Angular, and Vue

In the technological world, you all have to keep yourself prepared for the next, and that’s what alternatives are about actually. As it’s clear from the title, we will discuss here the alternatives of technology which are React, Angular, and Vue.

👍 Should you switch from React to Svelte?

In this article, we’ll look at the strength Svelte brings, and why it’s worth your consideration.

Create Editable HTML in React

In the past two weeks, I was thinking about how we can have an editable component?🤔 I ended up with three solutions and liked one of them which I want to share with you in this post.


Github Actions or Jenkins? Making the Right Choice for You

In this article, I will compare GitHub Actions with Jenkins and provide you with the insight to make the right choice.


Let’s Create a Lightweight Native Event Bus in JavaScript

An event bus is a design pattern that can be used to simplify communications between different components. It can also be thought of as publish/subscribe or pubsub. The idea is that components can listen to the event bus to know when to do the things they do.

👍 Errors and Error Handling in JavaScript

The terms error and exception are used often in the programming world. But more often than not, they are used interchangeably.

4 ways to check if the property exists in JavaScript Object

Using Object method hasOwnProperty(); in Operator; Using typeof and compare it with undefined; Using !! operator (double-bang operator)


Love your cache

In this post, I’ll talk through a sensible, modern default for caching—one that actually does no caching at all. But that’s just the default, and it’s of course more nuanced than just “turning it off”.

Optimize Images According to Network and Device Constraints in React

What can be done to bridge the gap for users on modest devices and spotty connections? First, we need to do a quick evaluation of what exactly their conditions are.

Preloading Web Assets

Preloading data is useful yet perhaps underused web development technique. When it comes to performance, the best work is the one you don’t have to do. The second best is the one you can do ahead of time.

The Import On Interaction Pattern

Your page may contain code or data for a component or resource that isn’t immediately necessary. Loading these resources eagerly (i.e right away) can block the main thread if they are costly, pushing out how soon a user can interact with more critical parts of a page.

👍 Web performance case study: Wikipedia page previews

What can be improved in browsers so that things like Wikipedia page previews are easier to build in a performant way?


The Rules of Margin Collapse

What Can You Put in a CSS Variable?

CSS variables (also know as CSS custom properties) can hold all sorts of things. To be clear, this article is focused on what you can put in a CSS variable.

👍 CSS Scroll Snap

In this article, I will walk you through CSS scroll snap basics. What’s make me excited is that I just learned CSS scroll snap, so all the details I will explain will be freshly written.




既然骨架屏代表了页面的大致结构,那么需要先用 js 对页面的结构进行分析。分析之前,我们需要制定一种规则,以确定需要排除哪些节点?哪些种类的节点需要生成颜色块?生成的颜色块如何定位等等。

👍 如何接”地气”地接入微前端?



👍 PWA and AMP: Getting the Best out of Both Worlds

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are known for the rich feature set for web and mobile apps. On the other hand, as the name suggests, Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMPs) helps to build blazing fast mobile-friendly web sites. There are several methods you can combine PWA and AMP to optimize the performance of your application.

Tooling your typescript create react app to work with GraphQL

In this article, we are going to learn how to tool your app development process to use GraphQL with a demo weather app

Android Studio 和 Gradle 插件使用全新版本编号

此项变更将 Gradle 插件从 Android Studio 的版本编号方案中剥离,并使 Android Studio 的每个版本对应于哪个年份和 IntelliJ 版本变得更加清晰。

Preventing HTTPS Downgrade Attacks


7 trends designers should know for 2021

👍 Basic Design Elements and the Principles of Design

In today’s article, we’ll take a closer look at these rules, along with the building blocks of design that will help you create great products with little effort or experience.



MacOS Big Sur: Thoughts from a UX Designer

These are some thoughts I have about Apple’s new update to macOS from a UX design point of view.


Release Notes for Safari Technology Preview 117

Deno 1.6 Release Notes

Docker Desktop 3.0.0: Smaller, Faster Releases

Qt 6.0 Released



Storybook Mobile


科技爱好者周刊(第 137 期):Slack 被收购,以及企业的技术选型
