
第 8 期 12/21 Looking Back on 2020


Source: Programmer Humor










👍 A/B testing at LinkedIn: Assigning variants at scale

This blog post is the second in a series providing an overview and history of LinkedIn’s experimentation platform.

W3C IN 2020

The Web Consortium is grateful to the W3C community, especially this year which has been so difficult for so many. Our community has remained an inspiration and light, and has accomplished so much.

2020 Google Assistant developer Year in Review

Developer Survey 2020 Results

In the survey, we asked a couple of closed and open-ended questions then analyzed all the input we got. We’re happy that over 50% of developers scored Angular with 9 or 10 out of 10 and less than 6% gave the platform less than 5 rating.

Looking Back on 2020

2020 Ionic Year in Review

Rust Survey 2020 Results

Highlights from Chrome Dev Summit 2020

CDS in 2020 was a bit different, like everything else. It was online, and the talks were more bite-sized at roughly 10 minutes each.

FE and softwareDesign

👍 从Weex到Web,性能逆势如何破局?

与去年双11相比,今年飞猪会场的最大区别是从Rax0.6 on Weex到Rax1.0 on Web。基于开发成本、可维护性等一系列的考虑,我们将前端渲染引擎回归到WebView。

👍 90% of Developers get this wrong

You might have heard that variables hoist, and hoisting this and hoisting that. I will show you why it does not exist and why it is not even possible for it to subsist with a simple piece of code.


how to manage HTML DOM with vanilla JavaScript only?

15 Rules For Writing Clean JavaScript

These rules are taken from the book “Maintainable Javascript” written by “Nicholas C. Zakas”.

State Management

👍 Your guide to reactivity in Vue.js

Reactivity in Vue, allows Vue to communicate at every layer of the application and updates the view base data modification.

What’s new in MobX 6.0

The library keeps getting better and better and following its philosophy since the beginning, “Anything that can be derived from the application state, should be derived. Automatically”.


👍 封装 axios 取消重复请求


腾讯IMWeb团队是如何使用 NodeJS 实现 JWT 原理

jwt是json web token的简称,本文介绍它的原理,最后后端用nodejs自己实现如何为客户端生成令牌token和校验token

构建下一代 HTTP API - OpenAPI spec 和解析器

很多问题都可以化简为定义一个承上启下的中间语言(DSL),然后为其构建一个 parser。

What is a REST API?

REST stands for Representational State Transfer, and was introduced in 2000 by Roy Fielding. REST is an architectural style that consists of 6 constraints that must be satisfied for it to be referred to as RESTful.

What Is GraphQL?

In this episode, we’re talking about GraphQL. What is it, and how does solve some common API problems?


Micro-Frontends with single-spa

Micro-frontend extends the concept of Micro-services to the frontend. The goal is to break down large SPA into smaller independent applications that can use different technologies and be developed and managed by separate teams. single-spa is a framework that helps developers achieve that goal by simplifying the composition of multiple front-end applications into a single product.


5 Common Mistakes Developers Do that Affect Page Load Time

Is your website too slow? Then, it is time to take some action to resolve this matter. Even it’s not the case; you might be curious to find out the common pitfalls developers make that affects page load time.

Exploring the Network Tab in Chrome Dev Tools

Learn how to measure web app performance using the Network Tab in Chrome Dev Tools


Improving Cross-Browser Testing, Part 1: Web Application Testing Today

As we have seen, the web application testing ecosystem is becoming fragmented. Most cross-browser testing uses WebDriver; a W3C specification that all major browser engines support.


What Makes CSS Hard To Master

CSS may seem simple at first, but the learning curve isn’t linear; mastering it is hard.


👍 Project Management is the best hand-off method.

Good design requires organizers. Organizing becomes even more important and complicated when that’s true. Project managers are godsends.

👍 腾讯发布《2020中国用户体验行业发展调研报告》


Landing Page Design Trends That Increase Conversion

We all know the impact of a first impression. Landing pages are often the first interaction a potential customer has with your company. Trends come and go, but great design is timeless.

10 Ways Design Impacts Business Success

Design matters a lot in how a brand can influence its target audience. Its impact is so strong that it has the ability to make or mar a business.

Master the Basics of UI Mobile Design

The overall process is the same, and a design system should cover all products for branding, patterns, and other components. Apps require more simplicity, less functionality, and a deeper understanding of the platform they are used on.


👍 How to use GitLab for Agile, CI/CD, GitOps, and more

We share some of our top engineering stories from the past two years that show how to apply GitLab technology to software development.


基于JavaScript 的 Flutter 框架 mxflutter

11 Great Tools for a Monorepo in 2021

Probably the best tools to develop and build your monorepo.

And now for … Firefox 84

Firefox 84 includes some interesting new features including tab order inspection, complex selector support in :not(), the PerformancePaintTiming API, and more!


👍 初级工程师如何快速成长和寻求突破





科技爱好者周刊(第 138 期):失业难以避免,重构人生规划

