Source: VS Code Day for debugging Web Apps
罗永浩:今年只领 1 元年终奖,6 亿债务年底还清|创新大会 2021
完全由 UGC 内容组成,坚持以免费和开放的理念运行了 20 年,维基百科是一个属于互联网的奇迹工程。
The State of Technology and Design in the Post-Covid World
While it is true that this trend was already here long before the Covid-19 crisis, there is no doubt that the situation generated by this pandemic has sped up the social and economic transition into a more digital world.
官宣了!Apache ECharts 毕业成为 Apache 软件基金会顶级项目!
Apache 软件基金会(ASF)是 350 多个开源项目和计划的全志愿开发者、管理者和孵化者,今天宣布 Apache® ECharts™成为顶级项目(TLP)。
WebRTC is now a W3C and IETF standard
Today the W3C and IETF mark the completion of perhaps one of the most important standards during the pandemic: WebRTC.
Bringing Edge’s Developer Tools to VS Code for debugging Web Apps – a talk at VS Code Day
The Ultimate Guide To The Code Quality
In this article, I am going to share with you everything you need to know about code quality, why it is necessary, and how it is measured.
imgcook 在 2020 双十一完成了90%的模块覆盖率,除此之外,基于 Pipcook 的中台解决方案,也分别在 ICBU、菜鸟、飞猪、阿里云、阿里健康和 Lazada 多点开花。
本文通过各类调研以及实际项目开发中总结的经验,以记录在实现前端监控回放系统的过程中会用到的一些 Web API 与新技术能力,为大家提供一些可行的实现思路。
Components: Server-Side vs. Client-Side
Let’s explore how client and server components differ from one another. That will give us a clearer picture of where we came from. And then we’ll have the information we need to dream about the future.
New aspect-ratio CSS property supported in Chromium, Safari Technology Preview, and Firefox Nightly
The new CSS property that helps maintain spacing in responsive layouts.
Introduction to Aleph - The React Framework in Deno
Aleph is a JavaScript framework that offers you the best developer experience in building modern web applications with React while using Deno for server-side operations.
From Design To Developer-Friendly React Code In Minutes With Anima
In this article, we’ll learn how to turn our static designs into a live, code-based prototype, and in turn, transform this prototype into React code — all integrated into one tool.
Quantifying UX Improvements: A Case Study
Quantitative UX metrics allow us to track the quality of experiences over time, and see how they improve.The process of UX benchmarking involves choosing one or more metrics that represent important aspects of the experience and then tracking those metrics to see how design interventions impact them. The following case study illustrates how one team used a UX metric to evaluate the impact of its work and to demonstrate it to their client.
Top UI/UX Design Works for Inspiration — #139
MLP is good only when we’re ready to work on the UX Research and study users, market and best practices. You can’t speed up with MLP, while MVP is a quick way to get the test done and show people what they want in terms of exactly your product. the first experience with an interface is critically important.