
第 28 期 05/10 The future is AGV








五一旅行大数据报告:国内酒店市场强势复苏 消费升级明显




IBM creates the world’s first 2nm processor

IBM creates the world’s first 2nm chip in test lab. According to the manufacturer, first of all, they will be useful for the development of artificial intelligence technologies, as well as in edge computing.

Podcast 335: Open source contributors helped a helicopter fly on Mars

You drop an open source contribution like a stone in a pond. The ripples may land somewhere you never imagined.


The future is AGV

The automated guided vehicles (AGV) market is booming.

How we use Web Components at GitHub

We’re using Web Components in a big way at GitHub.

Three steps for turning a video into a Web Story

123 | 另附 Enable Web Stories on Google Web Stories are a web-based version of the popular “Stories” format that blend video, audio, images, animation and text to create a dynamic consumption experience. This visual format lets you explore content at your own pace by tapping through it, or swiping from one piece of content to the next.




Web of Things(WoT)是对现有物联网生态系统的补充,可通过组合多种设备和信息服务来降低应用供应商和消费者的成本及风险,进而创造价值。


目前多方消息显示,最快在 6 月份安卓与 iOS 之外的第三大手机操作系统 HarmonyOS 鸿蒙有望正式开始规模化推送。而部分用户现在已收到了 HarmonyOS 2.0 开发者 beta 版的推送。


今年 3 月,Chrome 浏览器上的第三方 Cookie 已经正式终结。近日,谷歌在 Chrome 浏览器上测试了其新的数据追踪技术 FLoC(Federated Learning of Cohorts, 联邦队列学习)。计划虽然在进行,但却不像 Google 想的那样顺利。 另附 https://github.com/WICG/floc

Securing the Internet of Things in the Age of Quantum Computing

Internet security, privacy, and authentication aren’t new issues, but IoT presents unique security challenges.


Best practices for modern frontend monitoring #Monitor

In this post, we’ll specifically look at how to measure three aspects of single-page apps that can help you optimize your users’ experience:

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Using React #React

Today, we’ll explore the top 10 mistakes React developers make — and how to fix them.

A simple state management technique for Flutter #Flutter

states_rebuilder is Flutter state management combined with a dependency injection solution and an integrated router to get the best state management experience and speed up your development.

React Native vs. Swift for iOS development #App

In this article, we’ll assess these two technologies against a number of factors, from performance to ease of use. In sum, Swift will produce a more performant iOS app by default, but it is still good to know that RN offers strong performance and a good DX out of the box, particularly now that Hermes has helped to reduce download size and memory usage.

React Hooks vs. RxJS #State Management

Vue Composition API vs React Hooks - the core difference #Framework

Beyond my personal experiences, React Hooks inspired a lot of other developers, articles, tutorials, and even whole UI libraries and frameworks. Among those wasVueand with itsComposition API, it showcased its own vision for React Hooks’s “competitor”.

CSS是如何发起攻击的? #CSS, #Security

见微知著-css布局天花板 Grid #CSS

Promise.all、race和any方法都是什么意思? #JavaScript

TC39、ECMA-262、ECMAScript 究竟是什么关系?#JavaScript

Best JavaScript ES2019 Methods that You Should Know #JavaScript


Want to Convert Design To Code? Here’s A Better Way

Once you think about the challenges of image-based design and then adding just interactions, it quickly becomes obvious that your team needs a better way to create products that users will love.

Frames vs Groups — Why one of them can break your designs beyond repair

Always use Frames, never use Groups.

How To Easily Create a 3D Cup Using Blender

A short tutorial for those who just started experimenting with 3D design.


Catalyse your Web Components

V8 release v9.1

Top-levelawait is enabled by default in V8 starting with v9.1 and is available without–harmony-top-level-await.

Tesla Remotely Hacked from a Drone

This attack does not yield drive control of the car though.

ESLint v7.26.0 released

What I learned after 10 years of development

During all that website development of JavaScript, HTML, CSS, I learned a few things they don’t teach in class…


奇舞周刊第 405 期https://weekly.75.team/issue396.html

科技爱好者周刊(第 157 期):KK 给年轻人的建议

