
第 36 期 07/05 GMTC 2021 北京站








GMTC 全球大前端技术大会 2021 北京站


540 万美元!万维网源代码以 NFT 形式成功拍卖

万维网源代码拍卖活动昨日落下帷幕,源代码(1990-1991)的 NFT 版本最终以略高于 540 万美元的价格出售。这场拍卖由万维网之父蒂姆 - 伯纳斯 - 李(Tim Berners-Lee)爵士发起,于 6 月 23 日正式开启,起拍价 1000 美元。

曾经有幸跟 Lee 拍过照…


umi 3.5,让研发重新变得美好

怎么让研发再次变得清爽?这次,umi 给行业交出了一份新的答卷:MFSU。MFSU,是 Module Federation Speed Up 的缩写,含义为:基于 webpack5 的 module federation 特性的提速方案。

京东 Vue3 组件库支持小程序开发啦!


The future of Buck

When Buck was unveiled at Facebook Mobile DevCon in 2013, it was a fast Android build system. Over time, though, Buck has not kept up with this growth in features and flexibility with the necessary architectural changes and improvements to manage this complexity. Shifting focus to our next-gen build system.

GitHub Copilot Experiences - a glimpse of an AI-assisted future


This blog post shares my initial thoughts and experiences with this tool. In brief, I’m stunned by its capabilities. However, there are some genuine practical limitations to this tool at the moment, which I’ll discuss in this post. My feeling is this tool isn’t something that is going to revolutionise programming just yet, but despite the above points, I firmly believe it will have a significant and game-changing impact in the future.

Go vs. Node.js: Who Trumps the Battle of Backend Frameworks?

But, which backend framework is best for you? In this article, I’ll make a healthy comparison of two of Google’s most popular backend development tools based on several essential features and various other factors.

Microsoft is bringing Android apps to Windows 11 with Amazon’s Appstore

Microsoft is bringing Android apps to Windows 11.

Internet of Things (IoT): What it is, use cases & how it works?

This technology has even wider applications for industries through the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), especially in manufacturing, logistics, and energy. IoT will also serve public administrations through smart city solutions.


简单易懂的设计模式(下)#Design pattern




闲鱼的统一跨端 API 方案 —— Uni API #跨端

业务在端外进行跨端时,就需要前端同学对投放目标环境逐一评估和适配。在初期阶段,前端侧通常通过同一业务针对不同目标环境维护多套实现的方式进行支持,这使得工作量成倍增加。效率提升空间下,催生了跨端方案。跨端 API 项目站在经济体的的视角,以共建的方式进行推进。

Javascript 机器学习的四个层次 #ML, AI


深入理解Decorator #JavaScript

现在的前端项目中,装饰器作为装饰器模式的语法糖的得到了越来越多的广泛应用。但是有其他语言背景的开发者往往被 JavaScript 中的 Decorator 搞得摸不着头脑。 本文先会介绍装饰器的具体用法,其次比较 JavaScript 中的装饰器和其他语言常见的装饰器用法比较会有哪些不同。使用装饰器会带来哪些问题,以及如何解决这些问题。已经熟悉装饰器基本概念的同学可以直接看最后两小节。

CSS for Web Vitals #Performance

The way you write your styles and build layouts can have a major impact on Core Web Vitals. This article covers CSS-related techniques for optimizing Web Vitals.

An open source UI library with 1000+ Widgets to build flutter app #Flutter

GetWidget is a 100% free Flutter open-source UI library built with Flutter SDK to make Flutter development easier and more joyful than ever.

Flutter vs. Swift for iOS development #Flutter, Swift

In this guide, we’ll compare Flutter, a cross-platform, open-source toolkit for building UIs, to Swift, the primary language for building apps across iOS and macOS.

Stories are tests #Test

Storybook allows you to take a more organized approach to building UIs. You document a component’s use-cases as stories, which are then rendered in isolation. These stories act as unit tests but for rendered components. You can actually verify the rendered output in a browser.

The State Of Web Workers In 2021

In this article I’ll outline my mental model why multithreading is important on the web, I’ll give you an introduction to the primitives that we as developers have at our disposal, and I’ll talk a bit about architectures that make it easy to adopt multithreading, even incrementally.

Getting the most out of TypeScript - Union Types #TypeScript

With this article, I hope to demonstrate how TypeScript differs from those languages, and how we have to change our thinking to extract more from the language.



超级秒杀日是秒杀频道衍生出来的大促营销活动,在大促期间扮演着重要的角色。虽然秒杀的商品及价格由业务侧主导,但设计师仍可以通过方法论的应用去提升会场的转化效果。本篇将会介绍如何将 fogg(福格) 模型运用到秒杀会场的设计中。

Adobe XD vs Sketch — A Comparison About the Good the Bad the More Fitting

The prototyping tool market is gaining heat. This article takes a look at the Adobe XD and Sketch from various aspects, not aiming to decide a winner but to generate a clear view to help you make a choice.


乐高致力于打造一套多终端,多场景,多技术栈的企业级 UI 组件库。2020年,乐高V2.0版本针对PC组件迎来了全面升级。

[社区升级 起点读书发现页改版设计总结](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/fBNdiXF2GkdQR94pmWLRKg)




美国最大的论坛 Reddit,最近有一个热帖。一个程序员说自己喝醉了,软件工程师已经当了10年,心里有好多话想说,”我可能会后悔今天说了这些话。”

Ember 3.27 Released

This is a minor version, stable release. Ember.js 3.28 (again, starting beta today) is the final planned version of the 3.x release cycle, and will become an LTS release. As of the 3.28-beta being released, the main development branch of all Ember projects will become 4.0.


Starlark (formerly known as Skylark) is a language intended for use as a configuration language. Starlark is a dialect of Python.

Engineering Career Series: How we think about engineering management

In this post we’d like to share more about engineering management, which is another path that some software engineers choose after some time in the industry.


奇舞周刊第 413 期https://weekly.75.team/issue404.html

科技爱好者周刊(第 165 期):全端 App 的时代

我的结论就是, App 开发将从多端并存,进入全端时代。 手机 App 会吃掉其他客户端,变得越来越重要;桌面 App 将会衰落,开发需求进一步变小。不过,这是一个长期的过程,还有很长的路要走。 image.png
