
第 37 期 07/12 The Role of UX: 2020 Benchmark Study Report and Analysis






Google’s unfair performance advantage in Chrome

Google Chrome for Android has a feature that gives Google Search an unfair advantage over its competition. Sure, it’s the default search engine and that’s a huge hurdle to overcome for any competitor. However, Chrome also reserves a performance-boosting feature for Google Search exclusively.

The Role of UX: 2020 Benchmark Study Report and Analysis

UXmatters and the UX research consultancy User Fountain recently teamed up to survey UX professionals around the world on the role of User Experience within their organization.


Introduction to Software Automation Landscape

The automation was driven by mechanical assemblies that allowed machines or parts of them to operate themselves. The earliest application of automation – going by its classic definition – can be traced back to the very first computer engine built on Alan Turing’s design known as ACE (Automatic Computer Engine).

NEW: Lighthouse v8 support!

Our own research here at SpeedCurve suggests that there will be a moderate increase of the performance score (1-5 points) for most sites.

Component Story Format 3.0

Storybook is based on one core construct: the story. I’m excited to announce Component Story Format 3.0. It’s the next major iteration of CSF that harnesses a year’s worth of community feedback to dramatically reduce boilerplate and allow you to focus on the essence of your stories.


W3C released today a short video introducing our annual conference. TPAC is the acclaimed event where web standards are developed for the benefit of humanity.

How To Choose A Headless CMS

There is an array of Headless CMSes out there. In this article, we delve into headless CMS features to satisfy your content editors, marketers and yourself as a developer. For the experience headless practitioner, this could be a checklist to see what’s new out there. For those starting out on their headless journey, this could be a guide on what to look for.


npm audit: Broken by Design #NPM

The way npm audit works is broken. Its rollout as a default after every npm install was rushed, inconsiderate, and inadequate for the front-end tooling.

CSS feature detection in JavaScript?! #CSS

You can use a preprocessor like SCSS to add additional functionalities and transforming tools like PostCSS to add prefixes and so on, but many CSS features won’t be “polyfillable”.That’s why it’s important to do proper feature checks and implement fallbacks where necessary.

借助SVG滤镜实现CSS无法实现的阴影和模糊效果 #CSS


Advanced Dependency Injection in React #React DI

Dependency injection is a pattern that reduces hardcoded dependencies. It promotes composability by enabling one dependency to be replaced by another of the same type. This article will evaluate the dependency injection support in React and how we can extend it using InversifyJS.

Vue Native vs. React Native

With an increase in the amount of mobile app development frameworks available, the introduction of Vue Native in 2018 gave developers the ability to use Vue.js code to create React Native mobile apps.

DevOps 发布策略简介 #DevOps





User Experience of Search-Bar

It all started with a search bar. The whole internet works on a search bar. But Search bar is also crucial for functioning and usability within the system.

UI/UX First Principles: Reasoning

One of the most important things you can learn about UX design is not the design itself, but its underlying rationale.



Why is NanoID Replacing UUID?

In this article, I will discuss the features of NanoID, where it shines, and its limitations to give you a better understanding of when to use it.

Tuning Model Performance

Uber uses machine learning (ML) models to power critical business decisions. We enhanced the platform to reduce the human toil and time in this stage, while ensuring high model quality in production.


Simple peer-to-peer with WebRTC


🍍 Intuitive, type safe, light and flexible Store for Vue using the composition api with DevTools support




奇舞周刊第 414 期https://weekly.75.team/issue405.html

科技爱好者周刊(第 166 期):视频学习胜过读书吗?

文章说, 人类学习效率最高的方式,不是”读书 + 思考”,而是”观察 + 模仿”。 前者需要较长时间的注意力投入,后者只需要短时间注意力,更符合人类的天性。所以,视频学习才是初学者更好的方式,或者说,视频是大众学习的主流,读书更适用于某个主题的进阶学习。 image.png
