
第 38 期 07/19 Google for Games Developer Summit 2021






微信终于支持多平台登录了,我们挖出了这 8 个你也许不知道的更新

微信更新了 8.0.8,我曾一度以为这次更新依然是一些 UI 界面上的小修小补以及 bug 修复,直到发现了这些重磅功能。这篇文章将带你全面了解微信 8.0.8 都更新了些什么东西。






在本地生活服务中,如何不断提高供给和用户之间的匹配效率,是摆在我们面前的一道难题。我们尝试以用户关注对象为切入点,通过深挖用户需求并以其为纽带来关联供给和用户。为了全方位挖掘和理解用户需求,我们努力探索并尝试构建本地生活综合性需求图谱,以行业体系层、需求对象层、具象需求层、场景要素层、场景需求层的顺序逐层构建,并为各种类型的供给建立关联关系。 目前,综合性需求图谱的结果可应用于搜索、推荐等各类业务形态,并已在美团多个业务场景中取得实践成果。不过,我们还处在探索的初级阶段,接下来还有很长的迭代之路要走,在此我们提出一些后续的思考和展望。



How We Share Knowledge as a Web Collective

We tried it out, it immediately felt natural to us, and it turned out to be extremely helpful, so we wanted to share a bit about the structure and format and our observations.


Firefox 90 for developers

This article provides information about the changes in Firefox 90 that will affect developers. Firefox 90 was released on July 13th, 2021.

Android 12 Beta 3 for TV is now available

Alongside today’s Android 12 Beta 3 release for mobile, we’re also bringing the third Beta of Android 12 to Android TVs.

Highlights from the Google for Games Developer Summit


This week, we hosted the Google for Games Developer Summit, a free digital event for game developers, publishers and advertisers to come together globally.

How WhatsApp enables multi-device capability

For years, people have been asking us to create a true multi-device experience that allows people to use WhatsApp on other devices without requiring a smartphone connection. Today, we’re announcing the rollout of a limited public beta test for WhatsApp’s updated multi-device capability.

Make a Markdown Parser with OhmJS

In many of my projects I need to parse something, usually a text based language. Sometimes it’s inline docs. Sometimes it’s a custom DSL for generating code. And sometimes it’s markdown files. My goto tool for this type of work is OhmJS, an open source parser language for JavaScript based on PEGs.

RPA for Web Scraping: In-Depth Guide in 2021

Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites to learn what webpages are about. Web scraping is not an illegal act, however, a web scraper (human or software) may use the extracted data in a way which contradicts with the writer’s interest. Here we explore how RPA is used for web scraping

Hobson’s Browser - How Apple, Facebook, and Google Broke the Mobile Browser Market by Silently Undermining User Choice

The mobile ecosystem appears to retain these properties, but the resemblance is only skin deep.


Angular is Costing Companies Billions #Angular

The Holy Grail of writing code, any code, lies within its simplicity. However, as modern engineers, we’ve all but totally lost sight of that simplicity.

Service worker rendering, in the cloud and in the browser #Worker

This site is now rendered entirely on-demand via service workers!

Of Course We Can Make a CSS-Only Clock That Tells the Current Time! #CSS

Let’s build a fully functioning and settable “analog” clock with CSS custom properties and thecalc()function. Then we’ll convert it into a “digital” clock as well. All this with no JavaScript!

Building Web3: Pinata #Web3

In this series, we’re aiming to share details not only about the technologies on the vanguard of a new decentralized web revolution, but also the human side — the stories of the people leading this revolution, the dreams and goals they’re fulfilling with the tools, products, and services they build, and the immense impact that a growing decentralized web is already having on the world at large.

AI运动:阿里体育端智能最佳实践 #端智能


Flutter企业级应用开发在闲鱼的落地 #Flutter


手淘店铺全链路性能优化 #Performance


Slate 架构分析与总结 #Editor

Slate 是一个完全可订制的富文本编辑器框架,其所有的逻辑都是通过插件来实现的,用户拥有高度的自由,不会被 slate 多定制的规则所约束。

[干货 Taro虚拟列表最佳实践 #跨端](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/XHJ40fgg-bES4B-gqEKOMQ)











Top 8 Design System Examples

Design systems consist of tons of UI components and guidelines that are meant to optimize and improve the design efforts and promote consistency among the teams.


How many happy users did your product have this month?

When measuring the success of software products, data is king. Not all products are there to always grow. No growth there, but something more important: helpfulness to the user.[

](https://infrequently.org/2021/07/hobsons-browser/) web3.js - Ethereum JavaScript API


web3.js is a collection of libraries that allow you to interact with a local or remote ethereum node using HTTP, IPC or WebSocket.


奇舞周刊第 415 期[https://weekly.75.team/issue406.html

](https://weekly.75.team/issue406.html) 科技爱好者周刊(第 167 期):广告拦截器太过分了

我能理解,大家不喜欢看广告,但它现在的这种做法,简直就是霸凌。完全凌驾于站长之上,任意篡改他人页面,隐藏段落,禁掉脚本,为所欲为,让读者误以为原来就是这样,怀疑网站是不是出错了,还有没有一点点对于原始作者的尊重! image.png
