描述性分析(descriptive analytics)是任何分析生命周期的数据科学项目或特定研究的核心组成部分之一。数据聚合(aggregation)、汇总(summarization)和可视化(visualization)是支撑数据分析领域的主要支柱。在本文中,我们将探索一些有效的多维数据可视化策略(范围从 1 维到 6 维)。
当组织「奋斗」与个体「奋斗」在时代下面临冲突,背后或许是科技大厂们正对低效竞争、「大力出奇迹」的扩张模式、以及自身「always day 1」的主观意愿,进行一次「否定性复盘」的关键时刻。
Ioniconf 2021 Conference Recap
Ioniconf, our online conference for Ionic developers and the wider web development community, featured twelve expert Ionic speakers and was attended by many thousands of Ionic community members.
为此,我决定在 Ledge 的基础上,设计上开源的、面向大型组织的 DevOps 能力成熟度模型。它是基于我们所提炼的一系列研发效能模型,抽象而成的成熟度模型。
这次的架构升级对于 React Native 意义重大,按照官方的说法,这将大幅度提升 RN 的性能。为了进一步了解 RN 这次架构迭代的细节,InfoQ 记者采访了 58 同城资深前端工程师,58RN、Hybrid 框架的负责人蒋宏伟。
ECMAScript 双月报告:Realms 提案进入 Stage 3(2021/07)
7月的 TC39 会议在上周结束了。这次的会议有如 private-in 等提案进入了 Stage 4,Realms、Object.hasOwn 等提案进入了 Stage 3。这些提案提供了什么样的能力,我们该如何使用?
Chromium 内核 Layout 模块学习 #Chromium
blink 是整个 Chromium 代码仓库中的渲染内核的实现。为什么要学习 blink 的 Layout 模块,一方面作为前端开发,增加对底层原理的理解,知其然并且知其所以然。另一方面最近参与 DOC 编辑器排版引擎的优化和功能迭代,通过学习最复杂的 blink 的排版引擎,了解通用的排版引擎的设计思路。
腾讯课堂小程序性能极致优化——独立分包和性能测速上报 #MP, Performance
[干货分享 | Swift在淘系技术的演进历程 #Swift](https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/O5sVO5gVLzDCHGGNcjQ1ag) |
与国外的 Swift 流行度不同,国内的 Swift 的流行度处于非常缓慢的阶段。我们淘系技术部(主要是淘系技术 iOS 工程团队)在 19 年年终完成了 Swift 的工程演进,达到上线的阶段。在这里我将跟大家分享下我们从 19 年到现在,都做了哪些事情。
vite 是基于浏览器支持 ESM 模块,用以解决大型应用本地开发环境打包、热更新时间久的一套解决方案,目前已支持vue、react、Svelte、Solid等主流框架,下面我们来看看vite是如何支持react的吧
Using BLoC Pattern with React #React
Initially, the Business Logic Component (BLoC) pattern was introduced by Google as a solution to handle states in Flutter applications. It allows you to reduce the workload on UI components by separating the business logic from them. Over time, other frameworks also started to support the BLoC pattern. And, in this article, I will discuss how we can use this BLoC pattern with React.
Optimizing JavaScript Standard Library Functions in JSC #JavaScript
After three years working on JavaScriptCore (JSC), I recently had the opportunity to work on optimizing one of our standard library functions for the first time. I thought it’d be interesting to share what I learned about how they work in JSC and how we make them faster.
Regular vs Arrow Function #JavaScript
CSS Logical Properties and Values #CSS
We explored what it means for a property to be considered “logical” and then mapped out all of the new logical properties and values to their physical counterparts.
Putting things in motion, micro-interactions as a powerful tool
Using animation in UX design is a proven way to take your UX design to the next level.
Lottie for Android, iOS, Web, React Native, and Windows
Lottie is a library for Android, iOS, Web, and Windows that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as json with Bodymovin and renders them natively on mobile and on the web!
Desktop vs Mobile design: The only RULE you must know!
I will share with you the most important rule I have for understanding the similarities and differences between desktop vs mobile.
Bringing componentization to the web: An overview of Web Components
You don’t need React for building websites
As I get more experienced, I use fewer libraries and frameworks and rely on good old HTML, CSS, and vanilla JavaScript. I think you should consider doing the same.
Introducing Triton: Open-Source GPUProgramming for Neural Networks
We’re releasing Triton 1.0, an open-source Python-like programming language which enables researchers with no CUDA experience to write highly efficient GPU code—most of the time on par with what an expert would be able to produce.
Under Pressure; React integration
Integrating a rich text editor in a web application built with the React library should be straightforward and direct. The speed of integration shouldn’t take too much of your time, or your developer team’s time.
把廉价的东西做得很廉价,那不叫本事; 把廉价的东西做得很轻盈,那才叫本事。我觉得,五菱汽车是一个好例子,值得软件开发者学习,怎么把产品做得简单而不简陋,轻盈而不笨重。
奇舞周刊第 417 期https://weekly.75.team/issue408.html