
第 42 期 08/16 如何用研发效能搞垮一个团队



研发效能是目前互联网企业和传统软件企业都高度关注的领域,互联网大厂希望通过“研发效能”实现持续的研发能力提升以应对日趋复杂的产品开发;腰部厂商则希望通过“研发效能”实现弯道超车,充分发挥后来者居上的优势;更多中小企业看到国内互联网大厂不约而同地在这个领域重点投入,纷纷也是摩拳擦掌准备在效能领域发力。 研发效能问题今天解决不了,不要着急,因为明天同样也解决不了。

Vue 成中国普通高等院校核心课程


Midway 一体化研发 2.0 - 更快、更具生产力

Midway 是一个面向未来的云端一体 Node.js 框架。在经过近 6 个月的孵化与研发,Midway 一体化 正式发布 2.0 版本。

What can we do better to improve Flutter? — Q2 2021 user survey results

The Flutter team runs a user survey every quarter to hear from Flutter users and to make plans for the future. The most recent survey in May was our 13th user survey, which collected over 7,000 responses.

An update on how AMP is served at the OpenJS Foundation

When the AMP project moved to the OpenJS Foundation in 2019, our technical governance leaders shared a plan to separate the AMP runtime from the Google AMP Cache, and host the AMP runtime infrastructure at the vendor-neutral OpenJS Foundation. OpenJS is happy to report that this complex task of re-architecting the AMP infrastructure is making tremendous progress.

In-Depth Guide to Web Scraping for Machine Learning in 2021

Crawling this exponentially growing volume of data could provide many opportunities for breakthroughs in data science. Data scientists can leverage crawled data to perform many tasks like real-time analytics, training predictive machine learning models, and improving natural language processing capabilities.

Distributed Tracing 101 for Full Stack Developers

In this post, we’ll learn more about distributed tracing concepts, go over an end-to-end tracing example in code, and see how to use tracing metadata to add valuable context to your logging and monitoring tools.

How We Design Our APIs at Slack

API Design Guidelines You Can Use Today. This is not to say that Slack has always designed APIs well.


CSS Logical Properties and Values #CSS

Now that cross-browser support is at a tipping point, it’s a good time to take a look at logical properties and values.

JS WeakMap应该什么时候使用 #JavaScript


How To Improve Performance Using useLayoutEffect In React Sites? #React

A simple rule of thumb I follow: just try using useEffect 99% of the time; if your component is flickering, try switching to useLayoutEffect. The reasoning behind this rule is because useLayoutEffect is synchronous which means the app won’t visually update until your effect finishes running…

HTTP/3 From A To Z: Core Concepts (Part 1) #HTTP/3

After almost five years in development, the new HTTP/3 protocol is nearing its final form. So what exactly is HTTP/3? Why was it needed so soon after HTTP/2? How can or should you use it? And especially, how does it improve web performance? Let’s find out.



于一名优秀的技术人员来说,究竟是专精一块技术方向,做到深耕其中所向披靡;还是谋求“什么都能略懂一点”的广度,成为一个全方位的人才?这其实是一个职业发展和学习规划路线的问题,许多同学都有这个困扰。 精于基础,广于工具,熟于业务,永远保持进步和学习的心态。


价值投资是投资界人士的口头禅,但不少投资人的实际操作却是打着价值的幌子,追逐风口与短期利益。中国到底需要什么样的资本? 商业的本质是创造价值,资本的使命是要助力打造和谐社会、追求长期价值;逐利性只是资本的一面。






今年的ISC 大会主题是“网络安全需要新战法,网络安全需要新框架”,共有9场高峰会、近40场分论坛,业内专家、厂商和白帽子(HackingClub)纷纷参与其中。





日本的二次元市场更加成熟,为什么他们的美术风格没有像国内的产品一样卷起来? 对此,我们今天不妨直接将两国的美术拿来对比,以美术最核心的载体角色立绘/卡面为主体,看看两个市场中二次元游戏美术的根本区别在哪儿。

These Storybook Examples Will Inspire Your Component Library

Plenty of world-renowned websites use Storybook. In this post, we’ll look at some of the best Storybook examples that you can use as inspiration for developing your digital products.

UX Case Study: Make WhatsApp a little more comfortable

I chose WhatsApp and I promise you this is not going to be some redesign or anything of that sort. This case study is about solving the existing pain points of the user to provide a better user experience.

Building a design system

Creating a design system on a new platform from scratch can be challenging, but with a good process, you will avoid chaos. This article shows you how we at TestingTime created our design system.



AMP is a web component framework to easily create user-first experiences for the web.

Qt Design Studio 2.2 Beta released

Qt Design Studio is a UI design and development tool that enables designers and developers to rapidly prototype and develop complex UIs.

ESLint v8.0.0-beta.0 released

Basics of Monkey Patching


科技爱好者周刊(第 171 期):云服务流量有多贵?

结论就是,小网站尽量不要托管在大型云服务商那里,流量费用实在吃不消。如果不得不放在上面,那就必须设法降低或转移流量,比如使用 CDN。[

](http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2021/08/weekly-issue-171.html) 潮流前端周刊(第43期)

奇舞周刊第 419 期https://weekly.75.team/issue410.html image.png
