
第 43 期 08/23 The best frontend development strategies in 2022


深入解析基于 Flutter 的 Web 渲染引擎「北海 Kraken 」技术原理

主要从技术角度来分享 Kraken 的一些实现原理以及关键的技术特性





React Native in H2 2021

H2 2021 is an exciting half for React Native. Our areas of focus include nurturing the community, beginning to roll out the new architecture to open source, and pushing the technology forward.

The best frontend development strategies in 2022

This article is challenging, polarising and thought provoking on purpose. It covers a lot of fresh content and ideas which you are most likely not aware of.

Ten Years of Bootstrap

How does Viget CSS?

A look at the evolution in our CSS thinking over the past couple of years. How we structure our CSS has to be in service of alleviating the pain points of agency front-end development work.

What are microservices? An agile architecture for software development

Modern DevOps teams favor rapid development and iteration, and microservices help improve agility at scale. But what are microservices?

Using stretch work assignments to help engineers grow

Stretch work assignments are tasks or projects that are a bit beyond an engineer’s current skill or knowledge level and that allow them to improve and learn new things. When done correctly these assignments serve a dual purpose of providing learning opportunities for your engineers, while at the same time completing a project or task that will help your company.

Top 6 benefits of virtualization

With virtualization, we leave this myopic view of server management in the dust. Dividing your physical machines into many virtual instances puts every last bit of your server capacity to work. In this article, we examine virtualization in more detail and break down its main benefits.


不懂物理的前端不是好的游戏开发者(一)—— 物理引擎基础 #Game


Front End Web Development Guide: Web and Mobile #Overview

This is a quick summary of all different options and choices you have for front end development including web and mobile applications for any platform.

CSS Modules-in-CSS Module Scripts #CSS

There’s an issue in that native CSS modules are encroaching on the same name as a popular GitHub project called CSS Modules which do similar tasks and it creates some confusion in search results and blog posts like this.

Flutter Hot Reload #Flutter

What happens during a hot reload, and how we made it faster for Flutter 2.2.

Level up your CSS linting using Stylelint #Stylelint

This article aims to give you an up-to-date look at some of the advanced things Stylelint can do for you (which may surprise you!) and shows how you can integrate Stylelint into your workflow.

React Styling: CSS vs. JSS #CSS

To share a practical, effective, crystal clear way to style and theme your react components, using Material-UI.








2021-2022 设计趋势ISUX报告·社交APP篇



UX Design Evaluation: Google Maps

You’ll see there are 7 screens in the flow, which is already a huge red flag for a basic job.

The Death of UX/UI Designers

It’s not about the industry. A career death begins with numerous mild injuries yet smoldering.

Low-Code and No-Code Tools – What Are They?

The beautiful thing about low-code and no-code development is that it makes building apps and tools more accessible, especially for young entrepreneurs with a big idea and little or no capital.



This wiki indexes libraries and resources available for JavaScript.


UXPin Merge lets designers and developers use the same components synced from Git repository to build products faster. Scale and develop – faster than ever.



全球开源技术峰会 2021

Nightmare DX (Developer Experience): Shopify

This article is the first article in a series about poor developer experience. In this particular article, I am going to write about Shopify and its (un)friendliness for developers.

What is Developer Experience (DX)?


本文总结自笔者的开发经验以及 Martin Fowler 的《重构,改善既有代码设计》读书体会,希望能帮助更多的开发者了解重构,重构并不是想象中的重活,它也可以很简单。Commit a feature,review and refactor。


科技爱好者周刊(第 172 期):我们会死于气候灾难吗?

奇舞周刊第 420 期https://weekly.75.team/issue411.html image.png
