
第 46 期 09/13 Taking micro-frontends to the next level



本文从一个最常用、开发者们最喜欢的功能 – 代码推荐开始,希望能够慢慢揭开代码智能神秘的面纱。

Taking micro-frontends to the next level

In this article I’d like to share some of the things we did in order to evolve the concept of developing big scale micro-frontends.

Build PDF Documents with React on the Server

Generating PDF documents or reports is a quite common task in software development. Our goal is to have a generic approach for building the PDF document using React and JavaScript (well, TypeScript to be specific) on the server with the instant preview on the UI.

Decision Making at Netflix

This introduction is the first in a multi-part series on how Netflix uses A/B tests to make decisions that continuously improve our products, so we can deliver more joy and satisfaction to our members.

What’s new in Flutter 2.5

Performance improvements, DevTools updates, new Material You support, a new app template, and more!

Ember 3.28 and 4.0 Beta Released

After 3.5 years and 28 minor releases, Ember 3.28 marks the end of the project’s 3.x series. To ensure a smooth upgrade path going into the 4.x series, 3.28 has been declared an LTS (Long Term Support) candidate.

Top 7 RPA Uses & Challenges in the Government & Public Sector

Governments can leverage RPA bots to handle repetitive tasks, decrease manual errors, and improve compliance.


再看 Babel

The Compiled Future of Front End

Even though React has some awkwardness, the awkwardness is mitigated by a legion of helpful experts, and an abundance training materials and third-party libraries.

World of React in 2021

Over the last few years, there have been some big changes in React itself, and the ecosystem has evolved quite a bit too.

How “Drag-And-Drop” Movements Affect Web Accessibility

Drag-and-drop functionality can give users more control over content, which can open up exciting possibilities for web designers. Drag-and-drop movements can make the internet more intuitive and useful, but they can also create accessibility issues.

Less Absolute Positioning With Modern CSS

If we go back 5 years in time, CSS flexbox was still new and can’t be used with a proper fallback. However, some of these use-cases can be solved with CSS flexbox or grid these days.

Experimenting with the FullScreen API

The FullScreen API allows you to make an element on your page have a full-screen view. The FullScreen API is currently well supported in Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Edge.

Getting started with vue.draggable

In this tutorial, we will be exploring vue.draggable — the official Sortable.js component for Vue-based projects.

What is better for HTTP Requests: Fetch or Axios Comparison

In this guide, we have looked at Fetch and Axios and checked out some real-world operations.

How and when to force a React component to re-render

The next question you may have is, what happens on the edge cases when a component is not updating as expected? Is it even possible? Maybe, but it’s complicated, so let’s discuss it.

Parcel vs. WebPack 2021

WebPack is still leading as the most popular bundler out there and continuously do so for the foreseeable future.









UX Architect vs. UX Designer – What’s the Difference?

We’ll explore what a UX architect does, and the roles and responsibilities for UX designers and UX architects differ and overlap. At the end of this article, we provide a brief overview of how UXPin can help UX teams collaborate effectively.

4 keyboards innovations

Keyboard seems irreplaceable, still innovations are made to try to disrupt it

How to design and style better slider?

The slider is easily recognizable to the user, making it easy to use and making them a very practical choice for designers to explore.



Deep Neural Network Library for Javascript


Automatically finds jQuery methods from existing projects and generates vanilla js alternatives.

Why Angular - Why we choose to use Angular at SpotDraft

React Native’s Many Platform Vision

We are excited about what’s to come as we continue to explore what many platforms unlocks for React Native. We have seen huge benefits when we extended this technology to desktop and virtual reality, and we’re excited to share what this means for the future of React Native.

Micro-Frontends Are Remote UI Components

Seven reasons why you might not want/need remote UI rendering

Vendor Prefix

Browser vendors sometimes add prefixes to experimental or nonstandard CSS properties and JavaScript APIs, so developers can experiment with new ideas while—in theory—preventing their experiments from being relied upon and then breaking web developers’ code during the standardization process.


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