
第 50 期 10/18 Jamstack Community Survey 2021


告别 XSS!新的 W3C 提案助你安全操作 DOM


Sanitizer API 是一个新的提案,目标是构建一个强大的处理器,以便将任意字符串更安全地插入到 HTML 页面。

Jamstack Developers’ Favorite Frameworks of 2021


In 2021 (from June 23 to August 10), Netlify received more than 7,000 responses to the Jamstack Community Survey. Here are a few of the highlights from our more technical findings…

The IoT (Internet of Things) Impact on Global Development

The Internet of Things - IoT is the sum of all the connected devices and systems which are comprised of machine-to-machine interacting and communicating, environments, objects and infrastructures and the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and sensor network technologies will rise to improve our day-to-day life.


开源 | 使用 Taro 高效开发 APP

Taro React Native 开源项目重大更新来了,全方位降低上手成本,提升开发体验。全流程自动化,让开发者摆脱原生环境配置,专注前端开发。

GraphQL 101: What is GraphQL?

In the simplest terms possible, GraphQL gives developers customized access to the data they need.

Google V8引擎浅析


How to win at CORS

Anyway, I figured I’d write down pretty much everything I know about CORS, and to make things interactive, I built an exciting new app.


jest 和 karma 都基于 istanbul 实现了覆盖率检测。覆盖率统计的原理就是函数插桩,基于 AST 在代码的 statement、function、branch 处插入计数代码,同时通过 require hook 实现了透明的转换。这样代码一执行就能拿到统计数据,自然就可以算出覆盖率了。

在微前端中加载 Vite 应用

随着 Vite 和 Snowpack 等基于 ES modules 的构建工具的产生,前端随即掀起了 ES modules 新一轮热潮。

Web Worker 性能优化初体验

在这里对 Web Worker 的使用做一个小结。



钉钉几乎把to B 能想到的商业模式都探索了一遍。



GitLab from YC to IPO

An IPO isn’t the end of the road for a company. It’s a milestone, among many.







After Effects作为动效软件的鼻祖,以其强大的兼容性、效果丰富性和清晰明了的图层操作逻辑深得设计师们喜爱,不论是UI、运营还是多媒体类型的设计都能满足,无疑是目前最具有普适性的动效软件。本文从AE的插件、操作以及落地三个方面,为大家整理了一波实用技巧,希望能帮助大家在工作中更加得心应手。

Building digital products for the web’s next billion users

A significant subset of the global population cannot participate on the internet simply because the internet has not been built for them. Some ideas on how to address it.

What is UX Writing and Why You Need a UX Writer

what is UX writing, how does it fit into the design and product teams and what are the key principles of good UX writing? Read on to find out.


What is the difference between declarative and imperative paradigm in programming?


React Native module for CodePush

Replacing render with createRoot

React 18 ships two root APIs, which we call the Legacy Root API and the New Root API.

A Philosophy of Software Design

What follows is my paraphrased summary of the first 9 chapters for those who might find the topic interesting.

[React Native Fabric - Why Am I So Excited? 2018](https://www.qed42.com/insights/coe/javascript/react-native-fabric-why-am-i-so-excited)

Fabric is the new React Native architecture proposed by the community to make the mobile application user experience close or even better than the native apps.


科技爱好者周刊(第 179 期):AR 技术的打开方式

城市公园改建为 AR 游戏场,这才是 AR 技术的正确打开方式。 公园还是那个公园,什么都没变,但是加入了电子游戏的成分。这里最关键的一点是,AR 就是应该在室外玩。[

](http://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2021/10/weekly-issue-179.html)WecTeam 周刊:第 109 期https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/A_C469G6CjmqSX2CwpEUZg 每一期周刊,从诞生到落地,我们京喜大前端团队全员参与,并严格执行了评审流程:文章收集、汇总整理、投票评审、会议评审、全网发布。本着宁缺毋滥的原则,我们用工匠之心,精心打磨每一个环节和细节,只为把全网最优质、最前沿、最实时、最用心的精品前端内容呈现在你的眼前。

潮流前端周刊(第49期)- 堂客

