Skills, not schools, are in demand among developers
College isn’t the only way to get a dev job these days. And employers increasingly don’t look for degrees.
Stanford researchers create gecko inspired robotic hand
Stanford researchers set out to make a robotic hand that can do it all, from picking up delicate objects like raw eggs and tomatoes, to handling large objects like basketballs.
Artificial intelligence accurately predicts who will develop dementia in two years
Artificial intelligence can predict which people who attend memory clinics will develop dementia within two years with 92 per cent accuracy, a largescale new study has concluded.
The question is, how do you develop your own AR branded experiences?
The complexity of modern software development stands in opposition to the effort to understand code: Software that cannot be understood cannot be easily maintained or improved, and many empirical studies indicate a correlation between a given codebase’s complexity and its rate of defects.
Become a master at Git and Open Source
If you can relate to any of these then consider signing up for the Git & open source Learning Series and start utilizing Git and Visual Studio to their full potential.
webassembly: the new kubernetes?
2021 年,云原生社区对 WebAssembly 的兴趣愈发浓厚,WebAssembly 在云原生方向也十分活跃。
A closer look at Android 12 (Go edition)
With the recent release of Android 12 (Go edition), we’re building on what you care about — creating a faster, smarter and more privacy-friendly experience than ever before. Let’s take a closer look at some of the features coming to phones in 2022.
Swift Playgrounds 4 now available
with Swift Playgrounds 4, you have the tools to build iPhone and iPad apps right on iPad and submit them directly to App Store Connect, providing a new way for you to easily create apps and share them with the world.
Supporting the Future of React
Sebastian Markbåge on the React core team at Meta is joining Vercel next month. As part of his role at Vercel, he’ll still provide leadership on the React core team and help maintain the direction of React. Vercel will continue to work on adopting React 18 and React Server Components into Next.js, and contribute to future React working groups.
Today I am excited to announce the release of Ionic 6! This release adds improved desktop support, overhauled components, iOS and Android design changes, and so much more!
a hundred things i learned working on the react team
In this article, we would look at the new additions to the feature-packed TypeScript 4.5.
npm 8.0.0 was released with the main purpose of dropping support for those no longer maintained Node versions and require(npm). Some sub dependencies that also dropped Node 10 support were also updated and the version of node-gyp is now 8.
The future of Svelte, an interview with Rich Harris
the creator of Svelte, talk about his plans for the future of the framework.
在新的一年到来之际,我们为大家带来 Flutter 的重大版本更新以及多项新功能和改进,以优化移动设备和 Web 开发者的体验,并让我们朝着稳定版的桌面端支持更近一步。
在本文我们接触到了 swiper 和 react-transition-group 的使用,并分别用它们实现了氛围气泡需求。
本文是一个 V8 编译原理知识的介绍文章,旨在让大家感性的了解 JavaScript 在 V8 中的解析过程。
[从混合包开发到100%纯鸿蒙应用还有多远?优酷鸿蒙版的开发实践与思考 | 卓越技术团队访谈录]( |
本文中,InfoQ 采访了优酷高级无线开发专家刘洋,请他与我们分享优酷鸿蒙版的开发工作和实践经验。
在本文中,我们将详细描述 Facebook 移动端 App 的部署开发部署流程。
12月14日,全球领先的L4级自动驾驶科技公司文远知行WeRide宣布获得广汽集团战略投资,双方合作再次升级,共同推进Robotaxi前装量产车型的研发制造。 WeRide announced a strategic investment from Guangzhou Automobile Group (GAC Group).
Definition: DesignOps refers to the orchestration and optimization of people, processes, and craft in order to amplify design’s value and impact at scale.
Tools for DesignOps Specialists
We’re going to dive into DesignOps tools for everything from optimizing performance to managing projects, building your design team, and creating great user experiences for your customers.
How to create a personal life dashboard
Interested in creating a personal life dashboard? You’ve come to the right place. Read on to learn all about what they are, the benefits they can provide, and how to build and use your own personal life dashboard.
技术周报·为什么 Web3 与区块链有关 [
WecTeam 周刊:第 118 期