Source: Trends and Insights from GitHub 2022
Trends and Insights from GitHub 2022
We analyzed more than 5,000,000,000 rows of GitHub event data and got the results here. In this report, you’ll get interesting findings about open source software on GitHub in 2022.
Mixing It Up: Remix Joins Shopify to Push the Web Forward
We are very excited to announce that the open-source web framework Remix and its team are joining Shopify.
whyframe gives iframes superpowers, making it easy to render anything in isolation.
let’s talk about web components
web components are part of the web. they are good for the web. we should be rooting for them.
OKLCH in CSS: why we moved from RGB and HSL
In CSS, we’ve been encoding colors with rgb() or hex (mostly for historical reasons). However, the new CSS Color 4 specification adds many better ways of declaring colors in CSS. Of these, oklch() is the most interesting one—this article explains why.
Do you really understand CSS radial-gradients?
help me understand a lot more about how radial gradients worked and, with this article, my hope is that you too can learn a thing or two about them.
Web inventor Tim Berners-Lee wants us to ‘ignore’ Web3: ‘Web3 is not the web at all’
Tim Berners-Lee, the computer scientist credited with inventing the World Wide Web, said he doesn’t view blockchain as a viable solution for building the next iteration of the internet. “In fact, Web3 is not the web at all,” Berners-Lee said people too often conflate Web3 with “Web 3.0,” his own proposal for reshaping the internet.
This blog post takes an engineer’s perspective. I took a service that I already run on AWS, ported to Ethereum, and ran it for a week, to understand first-hand how this technology fares.
大淘宝技术 Noslate 正式开源 - 面向云原生的 JavaScript 容器方案
今天,向大家介绍我们最新的面向云原生场景,面向 Serverless 架构下的新产品, 代号 Noslate,现已正式开源。
可能有人认为 WebXR 性能相比 Native 应用会慢很多,其实大量指标和统计数据分析显示 WebXR 并不比 Native 应用程序慢。可以安装 WebXR 模拟器插件来调试开发 XR 应用。
Is Turbopack really 10x Faster than Vite?
Vercel did not include any links to the benchmarks they used to produce these numbers in the marketing materials or the documentation. So I got curious and decided to verify the claims myself with a benchmark using the freshly released Next 13 and Vite 3.2.
在尝试升级 webpack5 之前,建议大家尽量先把官方文档[1]通读一遍,可以少走很多弯路,本文是在结合具体业务场景后,对官方文档的归纳和补充。
插件化的原理核心点就几个。各种插件化框架对于这些核心痛点也已经有了成熟的解决方案,目前插件化能在 58App 落地也是站在先驱的肩膀上,找到了最合适的方案进行微创新与落地。
NEW: Build responsive Figma-to-React components with almost no code
Amplify Studio is excited to announce significant enhancements to responsive component design through Figma-to-Code! You can now use the AWS Amplify Theme Editor plugin for Figma to customize your breakpoints across an entire Figma project.
上周,小米发布了 Redmi Note 12 手机的探索版。它的最大亮点是,号称具有世界最快的快充,可以9分钟充满一块 4300mAh 的电池。