
第 106 期 12/05 New to the web platform in November


Source: The large, small, and dynamic viewport units


New to the web platform in November

In November, Firefox 107, and Chrome 108 became stable. Let’s take a look at what this means for the web platform.

App Store Awards 2022

For over a decade, the App Store editorial team has taken a moment at the end of the year to celebrate the very best apps and games. It’s our honor to celebrate this year’s winners. Enjoy!



The large, small, and dynamic viewport units

New CSS units that account for mobile viewports with dynamic toolbars. svh / lvh / dvh.

Color Formats in CSS

In this tutorial, I’ll take you on a tour of the different options. We’ll see how they work, how we can decipher them, and how we can use them to our advantage. Later, I’ll show you how modern CSS lets us make on-the-fly adjustments, if we pick the right color format.

CSS 方案 2022

社区的解分 4 个大方向。1)CSS Modules,2)CSS in JS,3)Atom CSS,4)Atom CSS in JS


Developing Faster JavaScript Apps: the Ultimate Guide to Web Workers

In this tutorial, we’ll introduce web workers and demonstrate how you can use them to address execution speed issues.

How We Made JavaScript Stack Traces Awesome

In this blog post, we want to explain why source maps are insufficient for solving this problem, the challenges we faced, and how we eventually pulled it off by parsing JavaScript. This is a fairly thorough list of differences between React for the web and React Native

Dependency injection in JavaScript

In this article, you learned about dependency injection in JavaScript, its pros and cons, examples in popular JavaScript frameworks, and how to use it in a vanilla JavaScript project.


React vs React Native: How Different Are They, Really?

mobile application development is a very different world from browser-based application development, so naturally developers will need to learn new tools, paradigms and techniques.


NPM security: preventing supply chain attacks

Supply chain attacks have taken many forms — such as dependency confusion attacks, spearheading malicious code backdoors in open source packages, and compromising build pipeline infrastructure. In this post, I intend to unveil npm security practices and tooling available for you as a JavaScript developer (TypeScript developers are welcome too).


Migrating VS Code to Process Sandboxing

In this blog post, we provide a detailed overview into how we managed to enable process sandboxing in VS Code, a journey that we started in early 2020 and plan to finish at the beginning of 2023. To help understand the challenge of process sandboxing, this blog post also describes details of the VS Code process model and how it evolved during this journey.


在蚂蚁如何把 IDE 搬到云端?

CloudIDE 不是 WebIDE,不是简单的将 IDE 搬到云端,它解决的不仅仅是随时随地编码问题,更重要的是利用云原生的基础设施标准化开发环境,并且可根据实际业务场景进行扩缩容,基于 web 方便和各个业务平台打通,从研发层面为整体研发链路进行提效。



从技术的发展脉络来看,蚂蚁端智能的应用场景主要有 2 个方向:认知智能与数据智能。

UI 智能化的原理和未来

本文将从 GUI 中用户体验的构建开始,用高质量、可调控、交互体验创新三个部分,分别介绍如何从传统 UI 一步步迈向 UI 智能化。最后,用如何实现 UI 智能化的一些思考收尾。


How to capture single frame from an HTML video

You ever want to grab a still frame from a video you’re watching online? Here’s a trick I use from time to time to get video stills from HTML <video> and avoid all the fussy hover-activated UI bits.







Render Models at LinkedIn

Traditionally, many of our API models tend to be centered around the raw data that’s needed for clients to render a view, which we refer to as data modeling. A render model is an API modeling strategy where the server returns data that describes the view that will be rendered.


Electron 22.0.0

Electron 22.0.0 has been released! It includes a new utility process API, updates for Windows 7/8/8.1 support, and upgrades to Chromium 108, V8 10.8, and Node.js 16.17.1. Read below for more details!


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科技爱好者周刊(第 233 期):生活就像一个鱼缸

