
第 63 期 01/17 SEE Conf 2022 & CES 2022


第五届 SEE Conf 2022 回顾

Industry 4.0: What Manufacturing Looks Like in the Digital Era

So what does the next major evolution of manufacturing look like? This graphic from ASE Global breaks down the rollout of Industry 4.0, from increased robotization to lights-out manufacturing.

Opera to integrate Handshake for blockchain-based, decentralized domain naming

On this last day of 2021, we have some plans to share. Today, we’re announcing a partnership with the dWeb Foundation over an integration of the decentralized blockchain domain name system, Handshake.

Editor’s Picks: 9 favorite robots from CES 2022

CES 2022 has wrapped up with over 40,000 in person attendees. Our editorial team perused CES virtually this year and still found no shortage of new robots and technologies to cover. Here are nine of our favorite robots from the show.

What is real user monitoring (RUM)?

Modern digital services are complex and will sometimes fail—that’s unavoidable. What you can avoid is having your customers discover those failures before you do.

Top-rated entries from Game Off 2021


Game Off is an annual game jam, where participants spend the month of November creating games based on a secret theme.

DDoS Attack Trends for Q4 2021

Here are some DDoS attack trends and highlights from 2021 and Q4 ‘21 specifically.


W3C 社区成员近期成立了元宇宙互操作性社区小组:Open Metaverse Interoperability Group https://github.com/omigroup/omigroup


Node.js 2021年开发者报告解读:健康稳步的发展中


下面结合《Node.js开发者2021报告》内容,我们详细解读一下Node.js 2021年的情况。





冷门布局方法 tabel-cell 的可行性研究


广告是如何跟踪我们的?所有关于 cookie

本文就聚焦这个小小的 cookie,把 cookie 掰开了,揉碎了讲一讲, 它是如何被我们利用的。

Web 多线程开发利器 Comlink 的剖析与思考

对于多线程编码的痛点,Comlink 很巧妙的在其外层进一步封装,隐藏了内部通讯逻辑,实现了 RPC 的模式。

How we migrated 541 components from Styled Components to Emotion with zero bugs

The team felt that Emotion offered better performance and features for our use case so we decided to refactor everything else to use Emotion.

A Visual Guide to Javascript for React developers - First-class functions

React relies on functions a lot. You may have heard that Javascript has first-class functions, but what does it mean?

Floating UI


Floating UI is a low-level toolkit to position floating elements while intelligently keeping them in view. Tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, menus, and more.

Declarative Reactive Programming with Combine

In this article we illustrated how reactive programming and Combine can be used to build data delivery pipelines in a declarative way.

An Approach for Migrating From Objective-C to Swift

I’ve realised that there’s a bunch of teams out there still maintaining Objective-C projects, and struggling to make much headway on a Swift transition. So in this post I’m going to tell you what I learned along the way.




Android 的 CES 2022「组合拳」

不只是 Android 本本身,Google 本次 CES 中发布的新技术均以「协作」为主题,涉及到了 Android TV、WearOS、ChromeOS 与 Windows 几乎目前所有泛 Android 生态圈。

**北大元宇宙报告 2022:XR硬件出货量或将于2024年达1亿台 **




探索 Design Token





Elastic Stack 8.0.0-rc1 released

We are thrilled to announce the first release candidate of 8.0.0 after the last beta release.

A Foundation for the Third Internet Era

The world wide web has 4.5 billion people in it. Yet five mega-tech corporations hold the keys to almost every interaction we make over the Internet.

Web3, Cryptocurrency, and Blockchain

In this post, we’ll walk you through Web 3.0: what it is, solutions, and how we’re building the next generation of applications.

The Architecture of a Web 3.0 application

Blockchain technology has unlocked an exciting new direction for Web 3.0 applications. In this article, we’re going to focus on what the Ethereum blockchain brings to the table.


科技爱好者周刊(第 192 期):最大的机会来自新技术

现在,我意识到了,所有的机会都是新技术带来的, 那些老技术的机会都有大公司赶在你的前头,把树上的果实吃掉一干二净,唯恐他人染指。 你想抓住最大的机会,只能去追踪那些新产品、新技术。

MDH 前端周刊第 36 期:Hey、浏览器里跑 Vite、Container Query 补丁、Parcel CSS

技术周报·「全栈 Web 开发」在字节跳动的实践

