
第 64 期 01/24 美团技术年货 & Frontend Predictions for 2022



在2022年春节到来之际,我们精选过去一年公众号50多篇技术文章以及20多篇国际顶会论文,整理制作成一本厚达1200多页的电子书,作为新年礼物赠送给大家。这本电子书内容覆盖前端、后端、算法、数据、安全、测试等多个领域, 希望能对同学们的工作和学习有所帮助。

How GitHub Does DevOps for its iOS and Android Apps

GitHub relies heavily on GitHub Actions to manage the release process for their iOS and Android apps. Using the right tools to automate the process allows the mobile team to ship a new release every week

Open source creates value, but how do you measure it?

One of our primary goals on the GitHub Policy Team is to help policymakers understand the value of open. Here, I outline three themes that we at GitHub Policy think should drive this conversation with policymakers—to help open source prosperity and sustainability.

Event-driven architecture and reactive programming

This article will look at the terminology of event-driven architecture and reactive programming, and the problems they are trying to solve.

Looking back at Microsoft Edge for developers in 2021

2021 was an eventful year for Microsoft Edge. We built new PWA features that more deeply integrate apps with the operating system, we made PWAs easily available on the Microsoft Store, we included WebView2 by default in Windows 11 with automatic updates, we specified and implemented multiple new web features to make the most out of diverse device capabilities, and released Edge on Linux!




Frontend Predictions for 2022

Thoughts on what we might see in the coming year, including the return of micro-frontends, functional JavaScript & the demise of the Jamstack as we know it.

React 18 is now in beta

Thanks to the incredible efforts of the React 18 Working Group, we’re bumping the release from Alpha to Beta!

Vue 3 as the New Default

Vue 3 will become the new default version on Monday, February 7, 2022!

Angular 2021 Recap and 2022 Preview

Let’s take a quick review of some things that happened in 2021 and take a peek at some things that are on the horizon for Angular in 2022.

What Were the Hottest Front-End Tools in 2021?

So, to kick off 2022, I’ve compiled a list of the 60 most popular tools. I’m sure there are at least one or two listed here that you can start using in your front-end projects today.

Remix vs Next.js

But make no mistake, we think Remix has a better set of tradeoffs than Next.js.

The structure of a Swift Package

In this article, we’ll explore packages in more detail.

What should someone learn about CSS if they last boned up during CSS3?

And by “CSS3” let’s say 2015 or so








How the Top Cryptocurrencies Performed in 2021

Last year wasn’t just a breakout year for crypto in terms of returns, but also the growing infrastructure’s maturity and resulting decorrelation of individual crypto industries and coins.






如何做好 G 端可视化中的适老化设计?我总结了10个注意点!

在我眼里看来:G 端(政府端 )可视化大屏本身就是面向定制化,不存在特殊化或普遍化,因为他的群体本身就是老年客户,既然是这个群体,那么适老化就是我们设计师需要考虑的。


It’s not still the early days

a lot has changed in the technology world in the past six to twelve years.





奇舞周刊第 432 期: “和 loading 界面说 ByeBye”——Remix 颠覆式预加载解析

技术周报·Vue 3 将成为新的默认版本

科技爱好者周刊(第 193 期):前端与后端,谁更难?

前端和后端的差异,不在于难度,或者说各有各的难,而是所要解决的问题不一样。 image.png
