
第 65 期 01/31 Hybrid & Remote Work in 2022 and Beyond


Meta Open Source: 2021 Year in Review

We will summarize key metrics and detail our foundations and partnerships’ focus over the last year. We will categorize our open source portfolio by technology domain such as Developer Tools and Programming Languages, Data and Infrastructure, Mobile, Web and AI/ML so that we can share a snapshot view of how our portfolio is evolving.

Release Radar · December 2021 Edition

Our community has been hard at work through December shipping updates. Here’s our staff picks for open source projects with major version releases.

不容错过的 TensorFlow Blog 热门文章

在此,我们对 2021 年发布的文章进行了回顾,从中挑选出了全球范围内浏览量最高的 Blog 热文,供大家集中参考,“查漏补缺”。


ES6 以上版本代码要不要转码成 ES5?


跨云 & 跨端:小程序云开发一体化方案


Deco 智能代码体验版正式上线

Deco 智能代码项目是我们团队在「前端智能化」方向上的探索,在过去的一年里,Deco 已在京东的两次大促中成功落地,在个性化活动会场的搭建中,研发效率提升达到了 48%。

CSS Fingerprint

CSS Fingerprinting is a technique of tracking and gathering information on site visitors. This method exploits the nature of CSS to track various characteristics about the visitor’s browser and device, which can later be used to either identify or track said visitor.

SwiftUI Lessons

In this talk, I share the most important lessons learned from building and shipping a dozen apps in SwiftUI for the past three years, coming from a UIKit developer’s perspective and reaching hundreds of thousands of users.

Building a theme switch component

A foundational overview of how to build an adaptive and accessible theme switch component.

Automate the way you keep up with dependency changes in your Swift Package

Do you need help to keep your Swift package dependencies up-to-date? the SwiftPackageIndex team stepped up and recently published command-line tool swift-release-notes, which gives you a list of links to the release notes for all the packages that have pending updates.


A new era of the PC

2021 was an incredible year for Windows and in 2022 we will continue our journey to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more.

What does the world need from Wikimedia now? External Trends to Watch

These are trends that we should expect to accelerate in the years to come because they relate to key changes in how people access, interact with, and share knowledge.

Introducing the Metaverse Minute

This monthly series will celebrate a few of the industry leaders that are building digital twins and advancing the metaverse now. Here are the first five

Hybrid & Remote Work in 2022 and Beyond

Moving into 2022, ways of working and interacting are continuing to evolve as organisations adapt to the ongoing changes brought about by a wide range of factors influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic.



**飞书 5.0 品牌升级完整设计复盘 **


How to Become the Best in the World at Something

With skill stacking, you don’t need to be at the top to be extraordinary



JavaScript Hall of Fame

Here are some of the greatest developers, authors and speakers of the JavaScript community. It is like the basket-ball Hall of Fame… except they are all still in activity!


A component toolkit for creating live-running code editing experiences, using the power of CodeSandbox.


奇舞周刊第 433 期:React 体系下关于 Mobx 与 Redux 的一些思考 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/pf69D37osUmEC-HCEnzsEg 技术周报·为什么说 WebAssembly 是 Web 的未来

