
第 66 期 02/07 The evolution of the Web: What we learned and where we’re going


The evolution of the Web: What we learned and where we’re going – Vercel

The Web is evolving. And so are we.

JSON Schema Joins OpenJS Foundation

JSON Schema is the newest technical project hosted under the OpenJS Foundation

Trailing slashes on URLs: contentious or settled?

After some discussion with IndieWeb Avatar for Salma last week, I decided it was worthwhile to do a deep dive on Trailing Slashes in URLs.

Meta Unveils AI Supercomputer for the Metaverse

Meta has unveiled its AI Research SuperCluster (RSC) supercomputer, aimed at accelerating AI research and helping the company build the metaverse.


The Story of React

Announcing Flutter for Windows

Build high-quality Windows apps that also run on mobile and web

The Relevance of TypeScript in 2022

As we get into 2022, just how relevant is TypeScript going to be moving forward? It’s not like TypeScript will continue to grow leaps and bounds this way forever… right?! So, what’s the future relevance of TypeScript look like? Let’s see.

4 most important features coming in ES2022 that you should know about

ECMAScript 2022 is a new JavaScript standard that is going to be released in June 2022. Let’s overview the most important changes that would appear almost certainly in the new release as they reached the 4th stage of TC39 process.

How to parse ISO 8601 duration strings in JavaScript

ISO 8601 is a set of standardized date and time formats in an attempt to tame every programmer’s favorite challenge. Durations represent the amount of time between two dates or times.

Chrome 99: CSS Cascade Layers, a New Picker for Input Elements, and More

Unless otherwise noted, changes described below apply to the newest Chrome beta channel release for Android, Chrome OS, Linux, macOS, and Windows.


imodels: leveraging the unreasonable effectiveness of rules

Overall, interpretable modeling offers an alternative to common black-box modeling, and in many cases can offer massive improvements in terms of efficiency and transparency without suffering from a loss in performance.


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UI 设计稿智能生成前端源代码

登上 Github 趋势榜,iMove 原理技术大揭秘

Move your mouse, generate code from flow chart


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