
第 67 期 02/14 American Companies That Failed in China

American-Companies-that-Failed-in-China.jpeg Source: American Companies That Failed in China


American Companies That Failed in China

Despite the size and potential of the market, China is not an easy place for foreign businesses to enter. As this infographic shows, many of America’s biggest names eventually admitted defeat.

Not all Browsers are Created Equal (on iOS)

No need for silly restrictions and limitations. If you truly are the best self you can be, you shouldn’t fear competition. Embrace competition. It leads to better results.

Flutter in 2022: strategy and roadmap

Areas of focus for Flutter as we build growth and momentum


2021 大前端技术回顾及未来展望

主要盘点下 2021 年前端行业发生了哪些重要的事情,同时分享下腾讯 IMWeb 团队在过去一年中都做了哪些工作

ECMAScript 双月报告:TC39 2022年1月会议提案进度汇总

本次 TC39 会议中仅有 reversible-string-split 提案获得了阶段性进展,由 Stage 0 进入到 Stage 1,其他较受关注的提案如 array-from-async、原生枚举类型,以及在上一次会议中进入到 Stage 1 的 Intl.Segmenter v2 ,在本次会议中都没有取得阶段性进展。


A deep-dive on Vite

Amal and Nick load up on coffee for a not-so-vite (lame joke!) conversation with Evan You all about Vite – a batteries included next-generation frontend tooling library.

Aspect Ratio is Great

The aspect-ratio property hits all the right spots there, neatly solving with a single line of CSS something that was, quite frankly, a bit of faff before.

Inside the JavaScript Engine

A brief explanation of the JavaScript Engine

Move over JavaScript: Back-end languages are coming to the front-end

Phoenix isn’t the first platform to offer a way for back-end developers to create front-end interfaces—Microsoft’s ASP.NET Web Forms for Microsoft .NET existed back in 2002—but it did inspire many new tools.

How the Angular Compiler Works

Angular’s compiler serves as a bridge between developer experience and run time performance


3 surprises when using Markdown in SwiftUI

In WWDC 2021 Apple announced to add Markdown support to the Foundation (hello AttributedString) and SwiftUI frameworks (hello Text) starting with iOS 15. Here I share three little surprises with you.

Theming Apps on iOS is Hard

For the longest time, by default, an app had one color scheme. Dark mode didn’t exist at the iOS level, so it was up to apps to have two sets of colors to swap between individually. With iOS 12 Apple made that a lot nicer, and made switching between a light color scheme and a dark color scheme really easy.


The first developer preview of Android 13

Today, we’re sharing a first look at the next release of Android, with the Android 13 Developer Preview 1.









Build client web apps with C#

Free software licenses explained: MIT

Today we’ll look at the MIT license, also sometimes referred to as the X11 or Expat license.


Minimal WebGL Library


Lightweight Loading Animation


科技爱好者周刊(第 194 期):悲观者正确,乐观者成功



奇舞周刊第 434 期:手写简易版 React 来彻底搞懂 fiber 架构

