The balance has shifted away from SPAs To be clear, though, I don’t think SPAs are going to go away entirely. But if new browser APIs and features keep landing that slowly chip away at SPAs’ advantages, then more and more teams in the future will probably choose to build MPAs. | 虽然有点儿标题党的意味,但是 SSR 2.0 已然来临,看下 React 18 新特性、Next.js、Remix,Full Stack 在国内,能否流行?
In this walkthrough, I want to show you the evolution of web development from website to web application. | 一篇很不错的详细介绍 Web 演进和全景的文章。ROBIN WIERUCH 也是一名 freelancer software and web developer,国外还有不少有名的自由职业者,还比如 Kent C. Dodds,他们会有不少的个人作品,如各种书籍、视频课程,活跃在 GitHub 等地方,了解到他们的工作生活状态,挺有意思的。 |
GOV.UK drops jQuery from their front end
Nowadays, we can do just about anything jQuery can do in vanilla JavaScript. It really begs the question: Do wereallyneed jQuery today? That’s a question that GOV.UK has answered with a resounding “no”. | 我们现在接触到的系统,基本已经不再使用 jQuery,但是放眼全球,jQuery 仍然占了一个很高的比例。看到这条新闻,特意去查了一下,引用一个数据 “jQuery is used by 94.8% of all the websites whose JavaScript library we know. This is 77.3% of all websites.” 看到这个数据,应该会感觉挺意外的吧,有时从个人熟悉度来主观臆断还是不靠谱的 :) |
从 Turborepo 看 Monorepo 工具的任务编排能力
本文从现有的实际场景出发,谈谈大型代码仓库(Monorepo)可能会遇到的一些问题,再结合业界现有的解决方案,看看 Turborepo 在任务编排方面做出了哪些创新与突破。
本文介绍 JS 的管道运算符 | > pipeline operator | Its goal is to make function chaining more readable. |
:where() :is() :has()? New CSS selectors that make your life easier
In this article though, we’re not going to focus on the syntax, but we’re going to focus in on some new features that are available for the CSS selectors: the :is(), :where() and :has() pseudo-classes.
Editing Swift Packages in Visual Studio Code
In this post I’ll show you how to edit packages in Visual Studio Code using the awesome Swift for VSCode extension. This extension provides the ability to solve the same issues described in the Xcode post, and arguably in a nicer way.
[**Flutter动态化 | Fair 2.4.0 新版本特性**]( |
Fair是为Flutter设计的动态化框架,可以通过Fair Compiler工具对Dart源文件的转化,使项目获得动态更新Widget的能力。Fair 2.0是为了解决 Fair 1.0版本的“逻辑动态化”能力不足。 | Fair 2.0 |
Syncing text files between browser and disk using Yjs and the File System Access API
In this post, we look at the newly introduced File System Access API, which lets the browser read and write files on a computer.
2011被提出,同年草案被Google Chrome和Mozilla Firefox实现,在此之前Web音频较为原始,无法应付较为复杂的应用场景,例如Web游戏或互动应用,旨在提供全套Web音频解决方案,包含现代游戏音频引擎和一些混录、加工、过滤的能力,可实现部分数字音频工作站(DAW)的功能
本文是基于 Shopee Supply Chain WMS(Warehouse Management System,仓库管理系统)团队利用前端低代码系统进行降本增效的一次实践总结。
实时端特征已经在支付宝内多个重要场景得到使用并取得显著效果,但是为用户带来智能化、数字化服务是一个长期的探索之旅,过去一年只是万里长征的第一步。 | 本篇是支付宝体验科技推出的第一篇客户端相关文章,后续将持续分享该领域的技术干货。 |
优化网页的性能,一直是前端工程师最热衷的工作之一。今天我们来看看 Google 提出的一种新的性能优化方案,现在已经在 Google Search 中得到了实践。
The web3 world computer is at a 1970 level of development
在本文中,我全面概述了 Blazor 和 Angular 各自的功能和用法。这两个框架都令人印象深刻,但每个框架都有其优点和局限性。最终,你应根据项目要求在 Blazor 和 Angular 之间进行选择,选出最能满足你需求的一种。 | 附原文: |
Painless transitions for CSS Grid
ARM 开源项目从 GitHub 迁移至 GitLab,ARM 内核团队:GitLab 真香!
GitLab 官方博客阐述了选择 GitLab 作为自托管平台的优点:最大化选择和成本效益,最小化供应商锁定。
iPhone lidar with applications for the geosciences
Apple’s latest products, the iPhone 12 Pro and Pro Max, iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max, and iPad Pro now feature a built-in lidar scanner that can create 3D representations of close-range objects (up to 5 m away). | iPhone 现在内置了激光雷达扫描仪,可以对5米内的物体进行 3D 建模,本文演示了如何使用这个功能。 |
Theoretical foundations for server-side rendering and static-rendering
From this study, we conclude that the division between static and request-time rendering is mostly fictional and sums up to a problem of cache configuration, and that build-time rendering in particular has been vastly underused until recently.
Paint Holding - reducing the flash of white on same-origin navigations
The way this works is that we defer compositor commits until a given page load signal (PLS) (e.g. first contentful paint / fixed timeout) is reached.
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