There are only two hard things in Computer Science: cache invalidation and naming things.– Phil Karlton
Google’s past failures were on full display at I/O 2022
Google held its I/O conference earlier this month, and for longtime Google watchers, the event felt like a seance. By my count, “resurrecting the past” accounted for around half of the company’s major announcements. | 你来教 Goggle 做事? |
My main point was: if the only reason you’re using an SPA is because “it makes navigations faster,” then maybe it’s time to re-evaluate that. | 由于上周作者的文章 “The balance has shifted away from SPAs” 引起了一些争议,故继续做了解释。作者表明之所以这样来评价 SPA 首先更多的是结合 Google 的 Core Web Vitals,引用下作者非常精彩的总结
The only constant in software is change. Browsers have changed a lot over the years, but in many ways our habits as web developers have not really adjusted to fit the new reality. There’s a lot of prototyping and research yet to be done, and the one thing I’m sure of is that the best web apps in 10 years will look a lot different from the best web apps built today.
From PHP to Next.js: What Trivago Learned Rewriting Its Web App
Hotel search service Trivago rewrote its frontend in Typescript on the Next.js framework, replacing a PHP codebase on a homegrown JavaScript framework, Melody. | WARP - A Web Application Rewrite Project | 使用 React 开发大型 Web 应用时都需要考虑哪些? |
Using Ultra, the new React web framework
In this article, you’ll learn about a new React framework called Ultra, which uses Deno and React and focuses on using web streams and native features within the browser. | 国外前端社区甚是活跃,轮子满天飞 |
Faster JavaScript Builds with Metro
How Airbnb migrated from Webpack to Metro and made the development feedback loop nearly instantaneous, the largest production build 50% faster, with marginal end-user runtime improvements. | Metro 是为 RN 打包而生的,Airbnb Web 团队从 Webpack 迁移到 Metro |
How we converted our Node.js library to Deno (using Deno)
This is a broadly generalizable pattern for converting an existing Node.js module to Deno.
本文通过自定义hooks来带你学习hooks,并结合 ts,ahooks中的钩子,以案列的形式去演示。
Angular’s Vision for the Future
Improving and simplifying the developer experience is a major theme we started to work on in 2022 and will continue into 2023 and beyond.
Destructuring Arrays in JavaScript
JS 结构入门,作者使用的插画挺有意思的
Processing Arrays non-destructively: for-of vs. .reduce() vs. .flatMap()
A foundational overview of how to build color-adaptive, responsive, and accessible
采用私有化部署的 CodeSandbox 来替换低代码平台的自研沙箱,本文主要介绍 CodeSandbox 沙箱性能优化过程。
一本免费的 Java 学习材料,将 Stack Overflow 上面 Java 的常见解答,分门别类整理成了一本书。
Sites vs. Apps defined: the Documents‐to‐Applications Continuum
Web sites are documents; they are content‐centric. Sites are geared towards content consumption. Web apps are tools; they are behaviour‐centric. Apps are geared towards content creation and manipulation.
科技爱好者周刊(第 208 期):晋升制度的问题