
第 81 期 06/06 2022年中国低代码&零代码行业研究报告





来自 W3C WebAssembly 社区组与工作组的更新

Announcing Microsoft Power Pages: Build secure, low-code websites

Today, we are thrilled to announce the preview of Microsoft Power Pages, the fifth product in the Microsoft Power Platform family. 05/24 微软发布了 Power Pages - Create secure, low-code business websites 作为 Power Platform 的第五款产品,另外关于 Power Platform redefines low-code with new products and features at Microsoft Build



Angular v14 is now available!

This is how to convert your Angular app into a PWA (2022)

Starbucks, for example, was able to reduce the size of their app by 99.84% when they switched from their iOS app to a PWA. And Pinterest leapfrogged their ad revenue by 44%.


Graph concepts and applications

In this article, we will be adding some further context on graphs, graph technology and some common use cases. 图技术相关基础知识

micro frontends

微前端框架 Satum 的性能优化策略

讲解 Satum 的性能优化策略





SPA by default

Single-Page Applications: A Comprehensive Guide

Single-page applications (SPAs) are a hot topic in the web development world. However, if you’re not careful, they can quickly become challenging to maintain - and even more importantly, it can be hard for users without JavaScript enabled to use your site.

Hotwire is an alternative approach to building modern web applications without using much JavaScript by sending HTML instead of JSON over the wire. 技术雷达中的定义https://www.thoughtworks.com/radar/techniques/hotwire

Being a Full-Stack Developer is no longer a dirty word

As an industry, when we started separating Front-End Developers from Backend-Developers, we should have started asking if this was the right approach. 作者在上一篇文章 In Defence of the Single Page Application 中采用了非常有趣的方式来讽刺了 SPA,本文中作者的疑问 “startups were hiring two engineers instead of one” 感觉道出了些许心酸。

Routing: I’m not smart enough for a SPA


The speed of a single-page web application without having to write any JavaScript

Paint Holding - reducing the flash of white on same-origin navigations

Our goal with this work was for navigations in Chrome between two pages that are of the same origin to be seamless and thus deliver a fast default navigation experience with no flashes of white/solid-color background between old and new content.


Best practices for using third-party embeds

An overview of techniques to load popular third-party embeds efficiently.


A message bus that operates across iframes.

How to load iframes faster


New to the web platform in May

Discover some of the interesting features that landed in stable and beta web browsers during May 2022.

What’s That (Dev) Tool?

Fast forward to 15 years in the future, to now. The user interface of the browser tools we use hasn’t changed much, but the sheer number of panels skyrocketed! Here’s a quick and incomplete (and very approximative) history of when new panels got introduced in Chrome DevTools. 作者回顾了 Web 开发常用到的 Dev Tools

Can I DevTools?


Monorepos in JavaScript & TypeScript

This is a comprehensive tutorial on Monorepos in JavaScript/TypeScript — which is using state of the art tools for these kind of architectures in frontend applications.



Optimising Critical Rendering Path

The Critical Rendering Path (CRP) is the sequence of steps the browser goes through to convert the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into pixels on the screen. Optimising the critical render path improves render performance.


百度地图慧眼官网全新升级 7大核心内容抢先看

近日,百度地图慧眼官方网站迎来了全新升级,对产品服务、解决方案、合作生态等内容进行了系统性梳理和迭代升级,标志着百度地图慧眼将以更优质的服务和更繁荣的生态助力各行各业数字化转型升级,百度地图慧眼以全新的形象赋能全行业、全场景的产品理念。 https://huiyan.baidu.com/



为了解决能随时随地在线跨平台预览设计稿的需求,团队决定孵化一个能在线解析渲染 sketch 文件的项目——Fizz


设计师作为连接用户与信息之间的纽带,在项目实践中也进行了系列的设计探索,除助力平台高效聚合呈现信息外,并以更丰富的设计层次诠释热点,帮助用户更便捷的获取所需。 image.png
