
第 83 期 06/20 The End of Localhost


The End of Localhost

It looks likely that in future, most development will not be done on localhost. 研发工作逐渐迁移至云端


曾经无处不在的机器学习工具 TensorFlow 已经悄悄落后,而 Facebook 在 2017 年开源的 PyTorch 正在成为这个领域的霸主。

Software Engineering - The Soft Parts

Today I’ll share some of the software engineering “soft skills” I’ve learned from my first 10 years on Google Chrome, where I am a Senior Staff Engineering Manager. Becoming a good engineer is about collecting experience. Each project, even small ones, is a chance to add new techniques and tools to your toolbox. | 作者从个人前10年工作经历中分享关于软件工程师的软技能,另外推荐 https://www.glassdoor.com/blog/guide/soft-skills-vs-hard-skills/


Low Code

关于 LowCode&ProCode 混合研发的思考

低代码显著的降低了部分应用研发的门槛,但是依然存在一部分应用一直拒绝低代码,分析原因主要是组件复杂、页面逻辑多、定制化强等等。ProCode 和低代码的混合研发是大势所趋。



Fresh is a full stack modern web framework for JavaScript and TypeScript developers, designed to make it trivial to create high-quality, performant, and personalized web applications.


The Plasmo Framework is a battery-packed browser extension SDK made by hackers for hackers. Build your product and stop worrying about config files and the odd peculiarities of building browser extensions.



最近 Vue 在美国举办了 Vue Conf 2022,不过可惜的是在国内并未掀起任何的波澜,于是我来试试能不能一石激起千层浪,因为尤雨溪在 Vue Conf 上说他们正在探索一种新的编译策略。 对社区关注的文章相对还是比较少的,作者刚开始引用了 2021 State Of JS,又列了下尤大的分享,也算是给前端公众号思路上加了把火

JS Sandbox

面向微前端,谈谈 JavaScript 隔离沙箱机制的古往今来

本文计划谈谈微前端的 JavaScript 隔离,即沙箱机制的古往今来。


The Surprising Truth About Pixels and Accessibility

The truth is, if you want to build the most-accessible product possible, you need to use both pixels and ems/rems. It’s not an either/or situation. There are circumstances where rems are more accessible, and other circumstances where pixels are more accessible. 非常棒的一篇文章,作者关于 CSS 的几篇文章都很赞


I’m Switching From VS Code To VS Codium

VS Code has been my primary text editor/ IDE for several years. But starting this month, I’m switching from VS Code to VS Codium. I wanted to skip all the tracking that comes with VS Code. 关于作者提到的 VSCode 的 Tracking,大家是否有了解?欢迎分享。


Internet Explorer dies today — what you need to know

Microsoft(opens in new tab) officially ends support for Internet Explorer June 15, 2022 at midnight. This marks the end of an era for the Redmond-based company, but it also has very real implications for those still using the 27-year-old web browser.



科技爱好者周刊(第 210 期):为什么软件变得复杂

诺拉·劳森的结论很悲观:怎么解决软件的复杂性?解决不了。最后就是你走人,公司把软件推倒重来。系统崩溃往往发生在经济收缩期。 image.png
