W3C to become a public-interest non-profit organization
The mission of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is to lead the Web to its full potential by creating technical standards and guidelines to ensure that the Web remains open, accessible, and interoperable for everyone around the globe.
围绕 “WebXR 现状与未来” 重点探讨当下利用现有的 API 能够构建哪些应用以及即将推出的新特性。
Asked and answered: the results for the 2022 Developer survey are here!
62% of regular Stack Overflow users visit the same question multiple times in a three-month period.
New versions of GitLab are released from stable branches, and the main branch is used for bleeding-edge development.
The case for using Sass in 2022
I don’t think we are at a point where vanilla CSS can replace Sass yet. At best, the role of Sass has changed to help make better use of modern CSS.
The Complete Guide to the Dark Mode Toggle
This complete guide to the dark mode toggle includes best practices for implementing a color mode switcher on your website using custom variables, prefers-color-scheme, and more, all with a very pretty demo! | 核心还是 “Define dark and light palettes with CSS variables” |
How to make absolutely any app look like a macOS app
In this article, we’ll analyze this question and look at some practical ways you can adopt the design conventions of macOS apps in your own apps. | 如何让你的应用更像 Mac 应用 |
Today we are happy to announce that Vue 2.7 “Naruto” has been released!
Evan You Tells React Team: You Should Recommend Vite over CRA for React Developers
A war between React and Vue: Battle of Vite.
Effects are an escape hatch from the React paradigm. They let you “step outside” of React and synchronize your components with some external system like a non-React widget, network, or the browser DOM. | 新版文档看起来更舒服 |
Getting Started with React Virtuoso
React Virtuoso is a family of powerful yet easy-to-use React components that can render enormous data sets.
通过加上 –depth 会只下载一个 commit,内容少了很多,下载的时间也上去了。并分析了git为什么可以下载单个commit。
本次就压测过程中发现响应时间过长的一次排查分析过程,在遇到压测时响应时间过长时可以从服务器 CPU 和内存、数据库 CPU 和内存、应用程序代码、数据库索引及配置等方向进行排查。
主要以全局视角论述 WebAssembly 技术生态发展情况以及其中涉及到的关键技术。是建立完整技术认知和体系的综述性文章,文章链接较多,建议在 PC 上访问阅读。
react-native-mmkv自称速度是异步存储的 30 倍的开源代码。
Goodbye, useEffect? David Khourshid’s Reactathon Talk(youtobe视频)在线ppt:
状态管理创始人David Khourshid举例说明了使用event handlers和状态机可以简化处理Effects。对比一些,尽管在某些场景下使用useEffect并不合适,但还是费尽心机的用了useEffect的情况。
一起了解 NutUI 中折叠面板 Collapse 的实现与设计,以及在开发过程中学习到的新知识点。
babel 版本从 7.17.x 升级到了 7.18.0,按 semver 来说这应该是一个兼容性的变更,但是却引发出了各种问题,在蚂蚁域内出现了regeneratorRuntime 找不到、构建产物体积变大等等问题,这篇文档会详细分析下一下这些问题的原因及解决方法。
借用一个大家都耳熟能详的故事:福特在设计汽车之前,到处去问人们“需要一个什么样的更好的交通工具?”,几乎所有人的答案都是 ── 一匹“更快的马”。
Computers can only natively store integers, so they need some way of representing decimal numbers. This representation is not perfectly accurate. This is why, more often than not, 0.1 + 0.2 != 0.3.
科技爱好者周刊(第 212 期):人生不短