
第 87 期 07/18 The state of internal tools, 2022


The state of internal tools, 2022

This year, we asked over 2,000 respondents (mostly developers) to weigh in on how much time they spend on internal tools, how they build them (and for whom), and how they measure their impact.

Is Low-Code App Development Ready for the Edge?

Low-code app development, in conjunction with edge devices and the edge platforms that orchestrate those devices, can play a significant role in helping manufacturers unlock that value.

ArchSummit 2022 深圳站 PPT

Windows Subsystem for Android™

Today we’d like to share more about some of the lesser-known features of WSA, as we believe these are useful tools for users of the product to understand.

Edge computing vs cloud computing

Inherent to the concept of the edge is speed and performance. While the cloud is a multi-tool, offering a wide variety of services and options, edge computing has a much narrower focus. It prioritizes minimizing latency in favor of maximizing performance.



Bun is a fast all-in-one JavaScript runtime

Bundle, transpile, install and run JavaScript & TypeScript projects — all in Bun. Bun is a new JavaScript runtime with a native bundler, transpiler, task runner and npm client built-in. The goal of Bun is to run most of the worlds JavaScript outside of browsers, bringing performance and complexity enhancements to your future infrastructure, as well as developer productivity through better, simpler tooling.

Statements Vs. Expressions

Often, tutorials will falsely state that expressions are statements, but this isn’t quite right. Expressions and statements are distinct things. Expressions are always part of a statement, even if that statement is otherwise empty.


Vite 3.0 更新了什么

如今已经 2022 年 7 月,距离 v2 版本已经发布了 16 个月的时间,Vite 正式推出 3.0 版本,接下来就给大家介绍一下 Vite 3.0 带来的一些改变以及未来的规划。


Applying SOLID principles in React

In this article, we’ve seen how by having some flexibility with interpretations of these principles, we managed to apply them to our React code and make it more maintainable and robust.



作为 Web 开发者,我们日常需要与各式各样的图片格式打交道,以至于有些知识几乎已经成为常识,但是,你知道这些不同的图片格式是如何产生的、并且演进至今的吗?


MNN 2.0 发布——移动端推理引擎到通用深度学习引擎

MNN近期更新了2.0版本啦!在整体定位方面,相比于1.0版本的端侧深度学习引擎,MNN 2.0迈向了端云一体化的通用深度学习框架。


如何将传统 Web 框架部署到 Serverless

我们以 Node.js 的 Express 应用为例,看看如何通过阿里云函数计算,实现不用按照传统部署方式购买云主机去部署,不用自己运维,快速部署到 Serverless 平台上。

多语言支持、事件驱动的全托管Serverless函数计算服务平台 — iPaaS·EasyFunction

本文将介绍iPaaS(京东前端一体化搭建平台)体系下的 Serverless FaaS产品EasyFunction平台的功能和落地情况








Open core is worse than plugins… and that’s why it’s better

Of course, it turns out that “Worse” is actually even better than Worse is Better suggested.

Working in public — our docs-as-code approach

Docs-as-code is an approach to writing and publishing documentation with the same tools and processes developers use to create code. This philosophy has become more popular in recent years, especially in tech companies.

Every programmer should care about UI design

Part of the problem is that it’s generally harder to read code than it is to write it, but I think another major reason is that most programmers don’t realize that their code is a UI, and when they don’t treat it like a UI they end up with a shitty one.

科技爱好者周刊(第 214 期):你的地图是错的

