Source: The Great Debate: Metaverse vs. Web 3.0
The Great Debate: Metaverse vs. Web 3.0
The future of the Internet is decentralized. Metaverse is a platform where people can create and trade assets that represent real-world items like stocks, bonds, artwork, video games, etc. Web 3.0 is a new way to store and host data on the Internet with decentralized servers.
Black Hat 2022 highlights zero-day attacks as key theme
Zero-day attacks are a key theme at Black Hat 2022, a security conference taking place August 6-11 in Las Vegas. In this guide, we explore runtime application security strategies and how observability and application security can converge to protect organizations from the threats zero-day attacks pose.
一晚上累计 292 万人紧盯 Flightradar24 网站,航班跟踪的技术原理是什么?
With :focus-visible, you can have focus styles when it makes sense
The :focus-visible pseudo class has been in the works for over seven years and we recently got to a situation where it is now in stable versions of all modern browsers: Chrome/Edge (from 86), Safari (from 15.4) and Firefox (from 85).
Roll your own JavaScript runtime
In this post we’ll walk through creating a custom JavaScript runtime. A goal of this post is to create a CLI that can execute local JavaScript files, read a file, write a file, remove a file and has simplified console API.
React State Management in 2022
In the debate of the state management wars, there is no right answer, only a wrong answer.
Better State Management for React using Providence
Providence 是建立在Redux之上的状态管理器,简化了Redux的诸多模版写法,旨在让开发者关注于逻辑。
Vue 3 与 Vue 2 相比,在 bundle 包大小方面(tree-shaking 减少了 41% 的体积),初始渲染速度方面(快了 55%),更新速度方面(快了 133%)以及内存占用方面(减少了 54%)都有着显著的性能提升。那我们今天就来重点聊聊 Vue 3.x 的编译优化。
Undo/Redo plugin for pinia
Docusaurus is a static site generator that helps you ship beautiful documentation websites in no time.
pnpm 最近经常会听到,可以说是爆火。本文我们梳理了下它爆火的原因
本文将营销中心-新品首发素材审核 CMS (下文简称新品CMS) 的搭建梳理作为最佳实践,从 0 开始介绍如何使用水滴低代码平台。
今天和大家分享一下低代码平台开发过程中遇的一个问题和对应的解决思路。如果物料组件很多,就需要按需加载组件。现有的开发工具如 webpack 也支持代码分割。但是在低代码平台的开发场景中,平台应用是和组件分离的,需要用户在选择某个组件的时候,要加载远程组件代码。
微软的低/无代码业务营收已突破20亿美金,成增长最快业务之一 | Miscrosoft Power Platform
根据微软商业应用程序的副总裁 Lamanna 透露,微软的低代码与无代码平台 Power Platform 的月活用户已经超过了 700 万。Power Platform 的营收已经超过了 20 亿美金,并且年增长率达到了 72%,成为微软规模化增长最快的一个业务之一。
[不走寻常路!这家低代码平台完成4500万美元融资,估值32亿美元 | Retool]( |
Retool 是面向企业的低代码开发平台,号称提供 “一种构建软件的新方法”,尤其是面向内部的软件。值得一提的是,自 2017 年成立以来,已经有超过 50 万个应用程序在其平台上建立,数十亿次的查询也说明了该平台的使用率很高。
上周三,谷歌发布博客称,准备将其在 Chrome 中删除第三方 Cookie 的计划推迟到 2024 年下半年。
Virtual DOM into the future! Think of it as if React’s API and Svelte’s compiler had a baby. A baby withsuper speed!
以下是我从阅读中学到的 10 件事: