Source: A brief history of the numeric keypad
Will low and no code tools ever truly disrupt tech development?
Admittedly, low code and no code both seemed like ridiculous concepts at first. Low and no code couldn’t possibly mean little to no code. It means little to no visible code. The broader question remains – how will low and no code tools shake up tech development? After countless conversations, I concluded that…drumroll…it won’t.
“The best thing we can do today to JavaScript is to retire it” says JSON creator Douglas Crockford
中文: I had a minor success with ES5. But since then, there has been strong interest in further bloating the language instead of making it better. So JavaScript, like the other dinosaur languages, has become a barrier to progress. We should be focused on the next language, which should look more like E than like JavaScript.
Recreating “The Effects of Nuclear Weapons” for the Web
Oh CSS Grid, how I adore thee. And you too, CSS box alignment. You made this little bit of historical recreation so easy, it felt like cheating.
Meet Skeleton: Svelte + Tailwind For Reactive UIs
The power of framework-specific UI libraries, such as Skeleton, can lead to more productivity using the combined ability of Svelte and Tailwind to build modern web-based apps.
vitest 定位是个高性能的前端单元测试框架,发现其实现在社区中关于 vitest 的一些文章介绍还是比较少的,因此这篇文章中笔者会给大家介绍一下 vitest 这一测试框架,以及从 jest 到 vitest 迁移过程中的一些踩坑记录
本文是作者在实际工作经验中总结提炼出的错误使用 React 的一些方式,可以参考看看,自己的写法有没有同样的问题。
Reactime is an open source Chrome developer tool for time travel debugging and performance monitoring in React applications.
支付宝体验科技举办的 NodeParty 已于 8 月 8 日 在线直播,本次 NodeParty 的分享 PPT 和回顾视频。
Astro is an MPA framework. We are thrilled to announce Astro v1.0: a web framework for building fast, content-focused websites.
[从 Islands Architecture 看前端有多卷 | Astro Islands]( |
本文从拆包数量、no-bundle 服务和依赖产物的模块化分发三个角度介绍了 Bundle-less 目前的具体概念及应用
本文提供一种基于 iframe 的全新微前端方案,采用 webcomponent + iframe 的来加载子应用。
What’s New In DevTools (Chrome 105)
Chrome DevTools 团队介绍了 Chrome 105 的 DevTools 新功能
Netlify is an all-in-one platform for automating modern web projects. Replace your hosting infrastructure, continuous integration, and deployment pipeline with a single workflow.
Make any web page a desktop application
The React Native Testing Library (RNTL) is a lightweight solution for testing React Native components.
Skilling for success: How demand for development skills is changing
[一图读懂 | 中国物流集团“十四五”战略规划]( |
A brief history of the numeric keypad
There is a multitude of factors that go into the design decisions such as technology and its limitations, ergonomics, user perception and familiarity with existing formats. Look at your Android or iPhone apps. You’ll notice that both the phone and calculator layouts are similar to the ones invented a century ago.
对于C端产品,我们常常绘制用户画像进行分析;而B端产品由于特有的复杂业务性质,用户更多通过「角色」的概念与系统进行链接。因而B端用户角色的分析对于产品设计有着更大的意义。 「当(某角色)用户使用产品某项功能的时候,他们是为了完成某个特定的任务(到达某种目标)」 一旦理解了这句话,并在设计过程中切实围绕场景、角色、目标去深入分析,我们的设计方案将会更有效地解决体验问题、提高业务效率。
A brief insight into ESLint’s recent brand refresh and website redesign.
So you want to write a package manager
Sam Boyer saying dependency managers being a human problem
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我希望将来,人们会考虑将 Web 客户端开发中的这些新职责分开。让我起名的话,我会称之为“Web UI”和“Web Core”。