Source: Paradigm Lost
Paradigm Lost (CascadiaJS 2022 Talk Notes)
What does it mean to be full stack?
Write components once, run everywhere. Compiles to Vue, React, Solid, Angular, Svelte, and more.
Building an aircraft radar system in JavaScript
Considering AirplaneJS uses Node.js on the server, I decided to experiment to see if I could make it work using Web USB to turn it into a front-end only project. I finally got it to work a few weeks ago. I’m still learning a lot about the USB protocol and how to decode ADS-B signals so this post won’t dive too deep into the topic.
Javascript obfuscation techniques by example
Code obfuscation is a transformation that is meant to make code difficult to read and reverse engineer. Many web sites utilize JavaScript obfuscation to make things difficult to scraper/automation developers.
Default Exports in JavaScript Modules Are Terrible
In this article, I want to explain why default exports are a poor practice and lead to a worse developer experience. However, consider a developer using a more complex module they are unfamiliar with. They may not know which export is the default.
I’m not anti-BEM nor anti-roboclasses, but as we enter a new era for CSS I think we have an opportunity to rethink best practices around architecting CSS.
Meet the top layer: a solution to z-index:10000
The top layer helps solve the problem of rendering content above the rest of the document.
React Error Boundaries: A Complete Guide
If your React components are not properly catching errors thrown by third-party libraries or React hooks, such errors either end-up crashing the React lifecycle or reaching the top-level of the main execution thread, resulting in the “white screen” scenario
Why - and how - DevOps roles are changing
In our 2022 Global DevSecOps Survey, more than 5,000 practitioners shared details of DevOps roles in a state of flux: devs taking on ops and security tasks, security working hand-in-hand with dev teams, and ops wearing an improbable number of hats.
对优化和极简主义充满热情的资深 Web 开发 Nathaniel 告诉我们,你应该让你的网页尽力控制在 14KB 以内,而且即使对于以富媒体为中心的网站,这条 14KB 的规则可能仍然值得遵循。这是 TCP 慢启动算法导致的。本文将介绍这个算法、它的原理以及为什么你应该关注它。
本文除了常规优化图片的思路外提供了一种新的思路,本地利用已经下载过的大小图做文章,从而起到加速及节流的效果,并取得一定的收益,如果读者也是采用类似拼接url下载图片的方式的话,这种优化方式可以一试。全部做完取得成果具体数值不便展示,大概为提升下载速度 50%,同时能节省一定的 CDN带宽,日均节约至少 10% 。
本文的作者 chsxf,是一家独立游戏工作室的首席开发,也是 15 年的苹果用户,他想尝试将 SwiftUI 放到自己的项目中,但是最终失败了。他发表了一篇博客,总结了尝试并放弃 SwiftUI 的过程,这篇文章在 Hacker News 上引发了开发者们的大量讨论
New to the web platform in August
Discover some of the interesting features that landed in stable and beta web browsers during August 2022.
Chrome 106 Beta: New CSS Features, WebCodecs and WebXR Improvements, and More
Chrome 106 is beta as of September 1, 2022.
Why do developers actually use Storybook in 2022? This article breaks down the what, how, and why behind Storybook to help you decide whether it’s right for you.
Types of barcodes and their usage
In this article, you will discover the most popular barcode types and their characteristics.
The Scoop: Netflix’s historic introduction of levels for software engineers
Netflix has since clarified to engineers why it made these changes to levels. To help achieve these goals, we plan to introduce an IC career pathway.