
第 96 期 09/19 The various iPhone 14 Screen Sizes

image.png Source: Thanks iPhone 14, designing for device sizes is dead



比 eval 和 iframe 更强的新一代 JavaScript 沙箱!

今天我们来看一个进入 statge3 的新的 JavaScript 提案:ShadowRealm API。


关于 React Re-Render

汇总下关于 re-render 相关的知识点:原因、如何避免等。

An apparent React bug

It seems React is “doing the right thing”, but in the end things break because the details element has state of its own that React doesn’t know about. In short, the issue is that there are two sources of truth for the open attribute – React and the browser.


How To Improve Largest Contentful Paint for Faster Load Times

Optimising your page’s LCP has an outsized impact on page speed and user experience. It’s important that Google has even made LCP and the other Core Web Vital metrics a ranking factor.


京东APP OpenHarmony化的跨端开发探索




本文将介绍脚手架需要的一些工具 commander、chalk、inquirer、ora等,以及package.json中的一些重要字段,最后通过实例demo来展示如何开发脚手架

RTC 脚手架的设计和实现

本文介绍了 RTC 脚手架产生的背景,并以通俗易懂的方式一步步阐述设计过程以及最终实现。


The SwiftUI Layout Protocol – Part 1

One of the best SwiftUI additions this year has to be the Layout protocol. Not only we finally get our hands in the layout process, but it is also a great opportunity to better understand how layout works in SwiftUI.


基于 React Native 的动态列表方案探索

基于 ReactNative 的动态列表方案简单来说就是将 ReactNative 容器内嵌在 RecyclerView 的 ViewHolder 中,由于页面主体框架还是由 Native 开发和渲染,所以首屏加载速度得到了保证,局部的RN实现也使页面获得动态化的能力,从而在性能、”完备逻辑执行“的动态化能力之间取得了一个平衡点。


Getting started with Playwright component testing

If you have been using Playwright to implement E2E tests for your application, you may be aware that Playwright now provides the ability to test your frontend components individually. This tutorial will walk you through the process of writing unit tests for your Svelte, Vue, and React components using Playwright’s recently released, currently experimental component testing feature.


Thanks iPhone 14, designing for device sizes is dead

Testing on specific device widths is an evolutionary dead end: If you optimize for a device today, it’s going to break in a year. Your design has to be fluid and flexible to make it look good regardless of a device’s width. Today, in a year, in a decade.

How iOS Apps Adapt to the various iPhone 14 Screen Sizes

To see the new resolutions of the iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max, apps must be built with Xcode 14 or later.



本文将详细的阐述异常原理,把笔者近 2 年在前端监控领域中与异常打交道的经验分享给大家。

基于自建 VTree 的全链路埋点方案



Plasmo Framework:次世代的浏览器插件开发框架

本文将尝试介绍关于插件、插件开发、基于 Plasmo 的插件开发以及业务实践等相关内容。




iOS 16: The MacStories Review

When is the last time your iPhone truly surprised you? My point is: if you ask someone about the last time an iPhone truly surprised them, chances are they’ll reply with a hardware feature. Software-related surprises are more rarefied on iOS these days, but the kind of people who are reading this story can point to a few examples in our recent history.

从零开始的新跨平台浏览器:Ladybird 正式起飞

近期,SerenityOS 的发起者 Andreas Kling 在博客中宣布了他最新开源跨平台浏览器项目 Ladybird,Ladybird 浏览器基于 SerenityOS 的 LibWeb 和 LibJS 引擎,LibWeb 始于 2019 年开发,其 JavaScript 引擎 LibJS 则于 2020 年开发。






Space, Grids, and Layouts

Spatial systems, grids, and layouts provide rules that give your designs a consistent rhythm, constrain decision making, and help teams stay aligned. In this guide, we’ll walk through the basics of defining spatial base units, creating relationship rules with grids, and bringing it all together for modern UI layouts.


25 Frontend Refactoring Tips and Techniques

In this blog post I am going to explain a list of 25 techniques I used to make my TypeScript NextJS Tailwind code easier to understand.



科技爱好者周刊(第 223 期):程序员需要担心裁员吗?

与其担心宏观经济,不如关注自己。你对自己生活的影响,往往比宏观经济对你的影响大得多。公司裁员肯定会对一个人产生影响,但是它决定不了你的未来,你自己才是最大的影响因素。 image.png
