
第 98 期 10/10 Web Almanac 2022 & The new wave of Javascript web frameworks

timeline-history-of-the-edge.png Source: The Future of the Web is on the Edge


Web Almanac 2022

HTTP Archive’s annual state of the web report. The 2022 edition is comprised of 22 chapters spanning aspects of page content, user experience, publishing, and distribution.

The new wave of Javascript web frameworks

This post will get us up to speed on the bleeding edge of frameworks in the Javascript ecosystem. Rather than focus on the proliferation of solutions, we’ll dive into the underlying problems. Where each framework gives different answers and makes different trade-offs.

Get in Zoomer, We’re Saving React

… This should tell you the React team itself is suffering a bit of an existential crisis. The framework that started as just the V in MVC can’t seem to figure out where it wants to go. … Despite all its embedded architectural wisdom, this is a flaw that React shares: it was never meant to enable user freedom. … What’s really frustrating about all this is how passive and helpless the current generation of web developers seem to be in all this.



The Fastest JavaScript Framework - Qwik


A glimpse of the world’s first O(1) JavaScript Framework: We are talking about “Qwik”, a new kind of web framework that can deliver instant loading web applications of any size or complexity and achieve consistent performance at scale.


Closing a 30 pixel gap between native and web

Recently, with many new web capabilities in the Chromium browser engine and UX changes in Microsoft Edge and on Windows, installed desktop web apps are really starting to look and feel like native apps. One remaining gap in how web apps appear on desktop is their ability to create their own title bar experiences. We’re excited to announce the availability of a new PWA feature that closes this gap and helps blur the line between apps and websites even more.


On better browsers: arbitrary media queries and browser UIs

The idea that browsers should expose media query settings on a per-origin basis like page zoom, here’s an idea that would be even more amazing to have in browsers

I am not that excited about new CSS features

CSS in 2022. I have a confession: I am not that excited about all these new CSS features. Let me tell you why.


A quick guide to cell phone vibration with JavaScript

Let’s break down how to make a cell phone vibrate using JavaScript. The unfortunate reality about the vibration API is that this will only work on Android phones because Apple does not support it.

Introducing Ezno

Ezno is an experimental compiler I have been working on and off for a while. In short, it is a JavaScript compiler featuring checking, correctness and performance for building full-stack (rendering on the client and server) websites.

Scalable WebSocket Architecture

In this post, we will explore potential architectures for a typical realtime application: a turn-based multiplayer game.


Ten Years of TypeScript

We hope that the next 10 years of TypeScript treat you well!


Making React fast by default and truly reactive

I think there’s a lot of room for rethinking the way we use React to be faster and easier. The mental model in React is not a clear cause => effect relationship. It’s three steps: cause => effect => side effect. But that second step is what causes all the madness 😱, so we just skip it. Without depending on the re-rendering step we have a simple cause => effect relationship


The Future of the Web is on the Edge

When people say “the edge,” they mean that your site or app is going to be hosted simultaneously on multiple servers around the globe, always close to a user.


What’s new in Svelte: October 2022


科技爱好者周刊(第 225 期):NPC 演员也是一种职业

