Source: Market Map: Generative AI for Virtual Worlds
10 Web Development Trends in 2023
Hopefully I was able to provide you with a great overview of the status quo in the web development ecosystem.
The Future of Create React App and Why It Exists
An extensive write up from Dan Abramov on the state of Create React App, a route to take it forwards, and how he sees React as a library working within an ecosystem of frameworks.
Netlify Acquires Gatsby
The company behind the Gatsby React-based framework is joining Netlify with many Gatsby Cloud features expected to be integrated into Netlify’s own platform. This places Netlify more directly against Vercel who are behind Next.js (and don’t forget Shopify with Remix too).
2023 State of Databases for Serverless & Edge
This post will be an overview of databases that pair well with modern application and compute providers.
一图读懂《10 Web Development Trends in 2023》
作者 Robin Wieruch ,来自德国的自由职业者,全文基于 State of JS 2022 来介绍他所看到的 10 个 Web 开发趋势。通过阅读这篇文章,结合 State of JS 的问卷结果以及大家各自的开发经历,相信对 Web 相关技术和生态的了解会更加全面和深刻。
一图读懂《Our top Core Web Vitals recommendations for 2023》
Google Chrome DevRel 团队 2023 推荐的提升 Core Web Vitals 性能的一系列最佳实践。从 Core Web Vitals 中的 Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)、Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)、First Input Delay (FID) 三个指标来展开,文中引用了许多他们在平时总结的文章,一并推荐阅读。
Updates from the 94th TC39 meeting
There were several items on the agenda, this post focuses on feature proposals and their progress from the 94th TC39 meeting. The TC39 committee that works on the ECMAScript standard met last week and progressed a few language proposals with Change Array by Copy, Intl.NumberFormat v3 and Symbols as WeakMap Keys making it to stage 4. There’s also an interesting example of adowngradeto stage 2 for import assertions.
You’ve Got Options for Removing Event Listeners
Reviewing some of the most common approaches available to remove event listeners in JavaScript.
Interop 2023: continuing to improve the web for developers
Again in 2023, all major browser vendors, and other stakeholders, work together to solve the top browsers compatibility issues.
Interop 2022: Outcomes
Now that it’s 2023 and we’re deep into preparations for the next iteration of Interop, it’s a good time to reflect on how the first year of Interop has gone. All the signs are that Interop 2022 was helpful in aligning implementations of the web and ensuring that users are able to retain a free choice of browser without running into compatibility problems.
Node + SWC make a lightning fast typescript runtime
If the added compilation time for TypeScript has irritated you so far, Artem has found a way to get things as fast as possible.
The Guide To Responsive Design In 2023 and Beyond
The term “responsive” means a lot of things now. We have media queries that check for user preferences, and modern CSS features that help us make a fluid layout without even using a media query. Responsive is different nowadays. It’s an exciting time, indeed!
Container Queries and Typography
2013 vs 2023. Just look how much it’s grown! The infinite cosmic power of CSS in 2023!
Why React isn’t dying
There’s a bit of fuzz, mainly on Twitter, about React dying and other libraries being better than React, and that you’re doing something wrong or missing out if you’re choosing React right now.
PWA 技术在游戏落地中的探索
其实我个人更倾向把各种小程序认为是 PWA 在国内的实践落地,换句话说,各种小程序其实是拿来主义的。
Hello, PNG!
I’m writing this article to fulfil my role as a PNG evangelist, spreading the joy of good-enough lossless image compression to every corner of the internet. Similar articles already exist, but this one is mine.
Embedded JS template engine for Node, Deno, and the browser. Lighweight, fast, and pluggable. Written in TypeScript. A faster, more lightweight, and more configurable EJS alternative.
Rotate and display latest newspapers on e-ink display
科技爱好者周刊(第 240 期):教育年限可以缩短吗?